Kamihara Shinya

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hey everyone! it's been a while since i wrote an author's note, so I hope that you've been doing well ^^ i just wanted to take some time and thank two readers in particular.  @livingbetween_worlds and @zoe_animebaka always read my work, but they also vote and leave comments that brighten my day every time i see them. if anything, i just wanted to thank you two because you're a huge reason on why i keep writing these; to see readers who are enjoying my work. please go check out their profiles, they're both lovely people <3 i just wanted to give you two a shoutout, it's the least i could do in return. anyways, thank you both so much and back to the story!!!

I walked down the crowded streets of Japan on a Saturday night, holding onto my phone and wallet like my life depended on it. After dodging people for what seemed like a painful amount of time, I finally made it to a small bar that bustled with customers. I pushed open the doors, some drunkards catcalling toward me already. I looked around for the culprits, flipping them off with a smile, and then immediately disappearing behind waiters before they could find me. Feeling a buzz of adrenaline already, I strode up to the bar taking the seat next to a handsome man with grey hair that was pulled back into a small ponytail.

"You're not only late, but have already caused trouble on your way here." He spoke without looking at me, taking a sip of his sake. "Aww, Shinya! Don't be so cold! I know you missed me," I grabbed his arm, hugging it playfully. He smirked, a few pieces of hair that had fallen out of the ponytail hanging around his face. "Don't push your luck, Y/n. I know that you were just excited for this date as was I." Shinya finished his drink in one last gulp, giving me his full attention at last.

"So," I walked my fingers across his muscular chest, hardly able to contain myself. "You admit that you were excited to see me?" He grabbed my hand, placing his soft lips against my fingers. The warmth filled my hand making me blush a little with anticipation. "What's wrong if I was? Aren't I allowed to get excited at the thought of spending the night with my beautiful girlfriend?"

"I'm blushing... To think that Edgeshot, the number five hero, would want to see me!" I teased, purposely keeping my voice low even thought it'd be impossible to hear us in the loud bar, while reaching for the sake cup that the bartender had set in front of me. I took a small sip while Shinya laughed nervously. "I really don't like it when you talk about that kind of stuff, Y/n..."

"Liar! Liar!" I giggled, pointing at his pink face with my cup. "I know you like it, at least a little." He rolled his eyes and let go of my hand with a dramatic sigh. "Oh no! You caught me!" We laughed some more over the sake as some sashimi was placed in front of us. He picked up a piece of white tuna, dipping it in a bit of soy sauce, and held it out with his chopsticks. Gingerly, he put his hand against my cheek and opened my mouth by pressing his thumb against my chin.

The piece of fish hit my tongue and Shinya softly closed my mouth back up, leaving me to chew the tender flesh. "Well that was adorable," he noted, feeding himself a piece of eel. I couldn't help but smile at his words, a pink haze rising on my face. "I guess it's my turn then," I picked up a slice of red tuna, this time opening his mouth by placing my finger against his bottom lip. He let me put it inside of his mouth, eating it obediently. "You looked super cute while feeding me too..." Shinya took another sip of sake, saying such honeyed comments with ease.

"Stop it, Shinya! You're embarrassing me..." I pointed my chopsticks at him, pouting slightly. He let out a dry chuckle, running his hand through the loose strands of his ponytail. "If you're feeling it now, just wait until tonight when we're all alone." He raised an eyebrow impishly, implying his plans for us once we got back to his apartment. I couldn't keep a straight face after hearing his promiscuous flirt; my face went red against my will, a smile playing on my lips.

He noticed instantly despite the fact that I was busy hiding my face in my hands. As thought to push me over the edge, he brought his lips against my ear. "See, I told you that I was excited." His sexy whispers tickled my hair and it took everything in me to keep myself under control. Shinya laughed at my torture, patting my head after he stood up from his stool. "I'll be right back. Try not to get into any trouble while I'm gone."

"Yeah, yeah, just leave you dumbass." I huffed back, upset that I let myself get so aroused. I watched him walk off toward the restrooms, taking another sip of my sake. "There she is!" I barely got a chance to see who was yelling when I felt someone grab my shoulder, pushing my face down against the bar. They held me down with a surprising amount of strength, keeping me pinned despite my struggles. I kicked the stool out from underneath me, hoping that my fall would be enough to get them to let go; no such luck. Instead, I was just held tighter, to the point where it was getting painful.

I felt a hand slip down my hips, over my butt, and onto my thighs. "Hey! Don't you dare touch me, pervert!" I kicked out in the direction of where the person might of been and I felt my heels crack against their leg. My moment of satisfaction was quickly drowned out when the person holding me smashed my head against the bar top. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, missy."

"That voice... The guys from earlier that I flipped off?! Shit... This isn't good. Please hurry, Shinya."

Spots danced in front of my eyes from the collision, but it wasn't bad enough for me to loose consciousness. "What the hell?! I leave you alone for a couple minutes and this is what happens?!" The voice of my hero came at the perfect time, relief crashing over me. "Just hurry up and save me!" I cried out, trying my best not to sound as desperate as I was.

"Who the hell are you?" The man holding me down yelled. Shinya cracked his knuckles, taking a deep breath. "I'm going to file this as sexual assault, that should be enough for me to fight, right?"

"Are you ignoring me, you bastard?!" My hair was pulled on, bringing my face up above the counter. "Listen here, try anything and this lovely lady will get her faced smashed on this here bar until she dies. You want that?"

"Oh my, oh my... Well you've just upgraded yourself from sexual offender to murderer. This means I can really go all out." Shinya placed his hands together in his typical ninja style, winking at me before transforming his body. "Ninpo: Thousand Sheet Pierce!" In the time that it would take to blink, he had threaded himself through both of the men with his ultimate move. After removing himself, they collapsed to the floor while the rest of the pub looked on in awe.

"That's... That's Edgeshot! The number five hero!" A girl cried out from her table, pointing at Shinya with wide eyes. There was a collective pause of complete shock; Shinya used this opportunity to sweep me off my feet, throw money by our plates, and run out of the restaurant before anything else could happen. We made it a couple meters before the chaos broke out inside of the bar. Still, Shinya kept running, somehow evading the media until we got back to his apartment.

Once we were inside with locked doors, he brought me to the bedroom and set me down on the bed, tenderly kissing my forehead that was bleeding lightly. "I'm so sorry that this happen, Y/n..." I began to sit up, but he pushed me back down. "Lay down for a minute." Shinya disappeared into the bathroom, coming back with a hot, damp towel. He cleaned my face with it, the fabric smelling faintly of his cologne. "Shinya..."


"Thank you for saving me. I was... I was really scared." My voice was a little shaky when I admitted it, but I was soothed by his warm hands. "I'll never let that happen to you ever again, Y/n. Ever." His words were strong and powerful; I could feel the conviction behind every syllable. "You really are my hero, Shinya..." I locked eyes with my boyfriend, acting way more bashful than normal. He chuckled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "God, you're so cheesy, Y/n..."

"You could just take the compliment with a 'thank you'! I was trying to be heartfelt..."

"Just shut up and let me kiss you, okay?" He brought his hands against my cheeks, my lips already buzzing. Still, I had to be difficult as always, so I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Fine, I guess."

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