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hi everyone! i'm really excited to release this and i hope that it gets even more support than my holiday oneshots got! please, if you have a request, leave it here in the comments or message me, either one works. i will try and fill your requests as fast as i can, but i have other projects that i'm working on (totally check them out if you want please (人ゝω・)i hope that these fill your wildest fantasies and who knows?! if certain characters get a copious amount of support i may do a full length on them ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) happy reading <3 peachy

*disclaimer* i will take all requests, but some might take longer than others simply because sometimes i feel more inspired about a certain character... thank you for understanding (ω)

*update!!!* i will be taking select lemon (they may end up just being limes bc i can write those fjwkfnwk) requests now but i'm still learning how to write good lemons so i only want to try with characters i enjoy writing. i hope you understand qwq but pls request away!!!

BNHA OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora