Kaminari Denki

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"Oi Y/n!" I turned around at the sound of my name being called by an all too familiar voice. "Kaminari!" I patiently waited for him to catch up, his yellow hair brighter than the summer sun. With his carefree smile and twinkling eyes, I thought that he looked a lot like a teen model. "But he's not just cute! He has a great personality too... Ah! I need to stop. It's not like he'd ever ask me out. We're best friends instead."

"Hey Y/n, wanna go on a date?" Kaminari casually asked, grinning at me with a slight blush landing on his cheeks. I felt my face heat up, my mind racing at the ironic situation. I waved my hands wildly, unable to use my words. "Umm! Well!" 

"Sure!" I manged to squeak out. He let out a sigh of relief, chuckling softly. "Dang, so I practiced on all those other girls for no reason..."

"What are you talking about?" We were walking home together, going slowly because it was the beginning of summer break. "It's nothing!" His face erupted in red after he had realized his slip up. "Forget I said anything!" I giggled at his dramatics. "If you say so." 

We kept walking until I got to my fork in the road. "I'll see you later!" I was about to leave when Kaminari grabbed my hand. "How about we go on a date tonight?!" His words were rushed, forgetting to act cool for a moment. I shyly stared down at my feet, blush taking over. "Sure... We can do that..."

"Awesome! Meet here in 15 then?"

"Yeah!" I ran back to my house, waving to Kaminari as he dashed for his. I dodged my older sister, ignoring her questions. I took off my clothes and stared at my closet. I finally decided on a stylish band shirt that I paired with denim cut-off shorts. I fixed my hair and put on a touch of makeup, adding yellow Converse to complete the outfit. 

I was about to run out of the house, but my older sister grabbed my arm in suspicion. "Where are you going?" 

"None of your business!" I quickly freed my wrist and stuck my tongue out at her. She let out an exasperated sigh. "Jeez, I feel sorry for the idiot who agreed to take you on a date!"

"Wha?! How... I never said anything about a date!" My sister rolled her eyes, a smirk playing on her pink lips. "Please, I know the signs. I was the exact same way when I was your age. I just wanted to tell you that you look cute." 

"Well duh!" I sassily flipped my hair, giggling. "Leave!" She let out a laugh while rolling her eyes again, chasing me out of the house. 

The sun was still shining bright in the sky due to the long summer days. Taking in a deep breath of fresh air, I dashed outside, ready for my date with Kaminari.

I noticed him before he saw me; just standing there on a lightning bolt shirt and ripped black jeans,  a chain wallet dangling from his pockets with his phone in his hands. "Wow... He looks really good."

"Hey Y/n!" While I was fantasizing, Kaminari had walked up to me, his smile easing away any nerves that I had. He stared at me, a dumbstruck look on his face. "Dang, you look great!"

"What, do I not always look great?" I teased, biting my lip with a sly wink. Kaminari blushed and scratched the back of his head. "No! That's not what I meant!"

"So I never look good, I understand." I pretended to be sad, nodding my head with my face turned away. "Ah, not like that!" Kaminari furiously waved his hands around. "I mean you look beautiful all the time, just now you look like... Wow." 

I giggled at his red cheeks and ears. "Thanks Kaminari... You look really good too." 

A comfortable silence filled the space between us as we wandered aimlessly around; the adorable awkwardness that was in the air made me a little more comfortable because at least we were both feeling it.

"Y/n, I didn't ask you out on a date for tonight for no reason." Kaminari fished around in his pocket while I looked at him confused. He pulled out two slightly crumpled tickets for a concert that was going on tonight. "I know you like this band-"

I cut him off with a hug, throwing my arms around his neck. "Are you serious?! This is incredible!" I jumped up and down, amazed that I was going to be able to go. I had been hearing about it for a couple weeks now and was totally bummed that I didn't have the money to buy a ticket. 

"How did you even get these?! They must have been crazy expensive!" I held the ticket gingerly as we walked to where the concert was being held. Kaminari smirked, giving me a sly wink. "I have my ways."

We got to the concert hall just in time; the place was already filled with people. Kaminari grabbed my hand, holding it tightly. "Umm, we should hold hands. You know, to make sure that you don't get lost." 

"Okay, sounds good to me." We smiled at each other, the awkwardness still there, but it was slowly ebbing away. The band was set up; Kaminari had gotten us great seats really close to the stage. 

"We're so close to the band!" I pointed to them, shouting over the loud music and screams from other fans. Kaminari nodded his head, smiling broadly as the music played. Everyone was up and dancing, the sun setting, leaving us under a canopy of stars.

The concert ended all too soon, everyone calling for an encore. "Alright alright! We'll play one more song just for your guys!" The audience cheered at the bands cooperation. As the music began, Kaminari grabbed my hand and we locked eyes. 

I knew what was happening before it happened; his soft lips against mine, filling my body with an indescribable warmth. People cheered loudly, clapping as they noticed our kiss. It was short, and I looked up to see that we were being projected on the screens.

I blushed, but Kaminari winked and waved, people still cheering for us. The song ended, closing our date; I walked out with Kaminari, holding his hand, our faces both a little pink. But I didn't mind.

We sang the chorus to our favorite song from the concert as we walked through the dark streets, my heart keeping the beat for me.

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