Midoriya Izuku (Shy Reader)

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hey everyone! this story was really fun to write and i also got to write about some of my favorite ships that i have in this show ^^ sorry if they don't align with what you think, but this is just my opinion, so there's no need to get upset if you don't agree. anyways, please enjoy the story <3

I was chilling in the commons of the Heights Alliance, mindlessly scrolling through my phone with my head resting on Momo's lap, when Mina burst through the front doors, panting with a bag in her hands. "Mina-chan?" My body began to sit up on instinct, but I had to bring myself back down before I bumped my head. After carefully avoiding them, I sat up, Momo giggling at my struggle. The other girls watched Mina storm into the middle of the room, holding up the plastic bag. "Guys! I just had the best idea ever!"

Mina dumped the contents out onto the floor and we all gathered around to look; there were three boxes of Pocky, each a different flavor. I tilted my head to the side, glancing up at my pink friend. "So you decided to buy some Pocky? That's all?" Mina shook her head with a devilishly smile. "No, no, no, no, no! I decided that we, as a class, are gonna play the Pocky Game!"

Everyone froze, becoming stiff, while Mina laughed cheerfully. "You... You can't be serious!" I was practically shaking with anxiety; the idea of doing this with anyone was nerve racking. Especially if I had to do it with them. "Oh, c'mon Y/n-chan! This'll be good for you!"

"How so?!" I glared at Mina who was hugging me from the side. "You need to get out of your shell! Midoriya-kun will never know how you feel about him unless you do something. And this is the perfect opportunity for that!" I waved my hands wildly, my face burning hot. "No! I disagree completely! There's no need for him to know!"

"No need for who to know what?" I whipped around at the sound of his voice, sweet as always. Midoriya and a bunch of our other classmates gathered in the commons; in fact the only person missing was... "Thank you for not inviting Mineta!" Tsu-chan said what we were all thinking, not afraid to express her true feelings. Mina giggled, winking playfully. "Of course! This is his punishment for being so gross all the time."

"Rightfully so." I added quietly, Midoriya chuckling when he heard me; a new wave of blush was sent over my face. "Okay guys, get in a circle!" Mina ordered, pointing her finger at people to make them move faster. Once we were all situated to her liking, she let out a content sigh. "Perfect! So this is how it's gonna work," She pulled out a bottle from the fridge. "Each person in the circle is gonna spin the bottle! Whoever it lands on is your partner for the challenge. Once you figure out who your partner is, then the spinner will put a stick of Pocky into their mouth. The chosen will take the other side and you both eat it until you two reach the middle. Remember! You can't drop the Pocky or stop until it's all gone, otherwise you loose. Also, once you two reach the middle, you can't look away until you two kiss. If you two don't kiss, then the first person to look away looses."

"So, big deal," Sero put his hand into the air, shrugging. Mina laughed evilly, a sparkle in her eye. "Oh, but Sero-kun, I haven't explained what happens to the looser!" She pulled one more thing out of the plastic bag; bright red chili oil. "If you loose, then you have to have a spoonful of this in your mouth until the next turn finishes!"

Everyone sucked in their breath; that was cruel and unusual punishment taken to the next level. "Let's start!" Mina cheered, looking around the room. "So, who wants to go first?" We all tried to avoid eye contact, terrified by her spirit. "Ojiro-kun! How about you start us off!" Mina practically yanked him up and then going back to her spot. "Eh, why me?!" He sighed, already knowing that it was too late to save himself.

He bent down, spinning the bottle, sending the tip pointing round and round. I watched it slow down, landing on Toru. "Ooo, lucky girl! I know that she's crushing hard on him..." Ojiro blushed wildly, pulling a Pocky from out of the box and sticking it between his teeth. Toru took the other side, all of us watching intently; well, except Bakugo. He was on his phone.

The two of them nibbled at the Pocky, getting closer and closer until their lips were almost touching. I leaned forward with anticipation, only to watch the Pocky fall when they tried to get closer. "No!" Everyone shouted in unison as the two of them sighed with disappointment. Mina watched sadly, but still held up the oil. "Rules are rules you two."

Ojiro chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry Hagakure-san..." They both accepted their spoons, sweat already dripping down their foreheads. "No worries Ojiro-kun! It was fun while it lasted..." They both stuck the spoons in their mouths and sat down. I watched as tears slipped down their faces from the heat as they painfully waited for the next turn.

"Okay, Kirishima! Get up there!" Mina pointed at him, the redhead bouncing up with no fear. He gave the bottle a strong spin, it dizzily slowing down until the tip was pointed directly at Bakugo. The blonde shoved his phone into his pocket, while Kirishima grabbed a stick from the box, a little pink on the tips of his ears. "Just so you know, Shitty Hair, I don't plan on loosing!" Bakugo pointed at his friend, also a little pink.

"Me neither." Kirishima said before sticking the Pocky in his mouth. Bakugo took the other side with no hesitation and they began to eat away until their noses were touching. With one clean movement, they both took the next bite and their lips met. They wasted no time moving swiftly into a kiss. Everyone stared, mouth agape and eyes wide, as the boys parted. "That was perfect!" Mina jumped up, clapping and wiping a tear from her eye. "See guys! That's how it's done!"

Bakugo and Kirishima went back to their spots with red, but elated faces. Kirishima whispered something in Bakugo's ear once they had sat back down and it made Bakugo turn even redder, the blonde setting off an explosion in Kiri's face. I decided it best to turn my attention back to the game.

A couple more people went, most of them not able to make it. Koda and Kyoka were currently suffering from the spoon of chili oil. "Hmm! Who's next?!" Mina jumped around in the center of the circle, her eyes landing on me. "Y/n-chan! You haven't gone yet!"

"No, really, I'm okay-" I was cut off by Mina dragging me into the center, next to the bottle. I sighed, giving the bottle a small twirl. Unable to watch, I simply went over to the box of Pocky to choose a stick. "Ah! Deku-kun!" Ochako's sweet voice cried out, sending shivers down my spine. "She's joking, right?!"

I turned around slowly, my fears solidifying when I saw the greenette stand up. The matcha Pocky that I was holding began to shake in my trembling hands as I tried my best not to drop it. Midoriya smiled sheepishly at me, his face even redder than mine, which was a major feat. "I-I-Is this flavor o-o-okay?!" I managed to squeak out the question, pointing to the candy coated stick. "Yeah, matcha's actually my favorite flavor!"

"Guys hurry!" Kyoka managed to shout through her spoon torture, Koda nodding in agreement. "Oh, sorry!" I quickly put the Pocky in my mouth, leaning toward Midoriya. He bit down on the other side and the game began.

With each passing nibble, my heart skipped a beat, the butterflies in my stomach turning into huge, angry moths. I had to keep my eyes open to focus on not dropping it, but seeing Midoriya's handsome face so close to mine was almost enough to make me squeeze them shut. We got closer and closer, each second almost painful. "I can't do this! I can't, I can't, I can't! I'm just going to deal with the chili... If I get any closer I might just melt into the floor! Why, Mina-chan..."

Lost in thought and regret on not evacuating the premises as soon as I heard what we were playing, I didn't realize that the stick was almost up until I felt soft, warm lips on mine. Not quite kissing, just touching from lack of space, but it was still enough to make me want to jerk back with a yelp. My heart was beating so fast that it was painful, but the game wasn't over yet.

I felt Midoriya reach down, taking my hand with a squeeze, before closing the remaining bit of distance. My brain was long past overloaded, the kiss barely registering. Still, I was kissing him back with just as much vigor despite my confusion. By the time we released, I had finally caught up with the situation. "Oh, we were kissing. WAIT WHAT?!"

Midoriya seemed to be having the same inner dialogue because we both began to suffer from hot blush at the same moment. "Great job you two! Okay next person..." Mina cheered for us while pushing us back to our seats because neither of us could really walk. I sat down, awestruck about what had just happened.

The game continued as usual, my gaze flittering over to Midoriya. We locked eyes, my nerves on end yet again. He noticed my bashfulness and took my hand, lacing it with his own. I didn't need any words to know what he meant. I nodded my head, still blushing as I held hands with my new boyfriend.

BNHA OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora