Togata Mirio (Shy Reader)

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hey guys! so, i know that i'm a little late, but this is a valentine's day special little thingy. i hope that you love it. yes, i'm a cheesy little peach <3 this was a request made by @illbiteyou for a shy reader just by the way! now let's get this thing started <3 peachy

I walked up to the grand arch that I had done so many times before for almost three years now. But today was different. Very different. Today was the day that I would attempt to confess my feelings to my best friend and long time crush; Togata Mirio.

I had been friends with Nejire, Tamaki, and Mirio since I got to U.A. We all managed to grow exponentially, but my extremely shy demeanor had prevented me from getting noticed as one of the Big Three. I didn't mind though, I loved watching my friends flourish, even if Tamaki seemed uncomfortable with all the attention that he got. But today, I had to be a hero for myself. I would tell Mirio about how I felt, or at least give him the chocolate and teddy bear that I got for him.

"Hey Y/n, why do you look so pale? And sweaty?!" A fairy-like voice popped up next to me, causing me to jump into the air, my Quirk activating. Clouds floated around me, supporting me in the air, while also shielding my blushing. Nejire looked up at me in my tiny cloud hiding spot, giggling.

"Come down from there Y/n! I was just teasing!" She jumped up, using her own Quirk to come level with me, pushing fluffy white cotton balls out of the way. "Why are you so worked up today, huh?"

"Well... Umm... You know Nejire, it's Valentine's Day today so-"

"Were you gonna ask Mirio to be your Valentine or something?! Huh?! Were ya, were ya?!" She leaned in closer and closer, her large eyes sparkling with excitement. "Wha?!" I waved my hands wildly in front of my face. "You know that I'm not brave enough for that Nejire... I did by a present for him though. I thought that I could give it to him with a card or something..."

"Aww, Y/n! You shouldn't be so timid! You're even worse than Tamaki, sheesh. Just tell him, everyone knows that he likes you back."

"How can you be so sure though... It's not like you've talked to him about it or anything." The clouds surrounding us turned a light gray color, an obvious indication of my mood. "I-I-I just don't know..."

I heard the bell ring off in the distance, my legs springing into action on their own. I jumped down, quickly followed by Nejire, my clouds dispersing as we ran off to class.

We made it just in time, the long tendrils of Nejire's hair barely making it into the room on time. I slid into my seat next to Mirio who smiled at me like always. "Glad that you two weren't late." he whispered, leaning suspiciously close as though that would keep the teacher from noticing.

"Yeah, me too." I tried to keep myself from breaking out in a bright red color, but Mirio's close proximity made that very hard. "Oi, Togata!" A piece of chalk hit Mirio against the head, directing his attention back to our sensei. "I know it's Valentine's day and all, but could you at least try and keep your eyes on the board instead of Y/n?"

"Yes sir! I'll try my best!" Mirio brought his hand up in a salute, sliding back into his seat. Everyone laughed, even me, though my face was inevitably pink and I was currently hiding in my chair.

Class was fairly entertaining, which helped pass the time and keep my mind off of the red, heart-shaped box of chocolates that were stashed away in my bag. Unfortunately, when the lunch bell cried out, my mind shifted back to the fact of confession. It was now or never; perhaps never would be the better route.

Even so, my legs shakily walked after Mirio, tugging on his arm before we got into the cafeteria. "M-M-Mirio, could you f-f-follow me?" I pointed down a small side hallway, my hands trembling slightly. "Sure!" His usual happy-go-lucky smile was plastered on his face, which made me feel a little bit more calm about the whole ordeal.

Once we were a reasonable distance away from everyone else, I took a deep breath, trying to summon up all my courage. "C'mon Y/n! You can do this!!!"

I pulled out the box of chocolates from my bag, along with the the stuffed bear, blush already starting to attack my cheeks.

"HereyougoIjustwantedtotellyouthatyou'resoamazingandIreallylikeyouwillyoubemyValentine?" My words came out in one large jumbled mess, little swirling clouds forming over my head. I had my presents extended toward him, my eyes squeezed shut so I wouldn't have to see his reaction. Dead silence filled the air for a couple moments.

"Aww man, you beat me to it!" Mirio chuckled, accepting my gifts with a smile. "What do you mean I beat you to it?"

"I mean that I was going to ask you after school to go on a date with me, but you did something romantic first." He sighed, while I looked at him in wonder, the clouds above my head turning white and fluffy. "You were going to ask me out on a date?"

"Yeah! I had it all planned out too..."

"We can still go!" I quickly intervened, my voice rising above a normal level. "I'd love to go..." Regaining my composure, I lowered my voice back to the normal soft murmur. "Really?! Well then let's do it!" Mirio pumped his fist into the air, while I couldn't stop myself from beaming.

"Oi Y/n." Mirio stared at me with an amused smile on his face. "What is it?"

"You must be really happy because there's a rainbow above your head!" He pointed just above my head, laughing jovially. I joined in, letting my bell-like giggle harmonize with his deep chuckle. "Yeah... I am really happy Mirio..."

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