CraftBattleMariee/Poofless (Truth or Dare/Crying in the Rain)

Start from the beginning

"But... What?"

"He. Is. In love. With you!" Ashley says, rolling her eyes. "It isn't really that hard to comprehend." I make a weird noise, elbowing her in the stomach. "Hey, what was that for?"

"It's kind of sort of just a little hard to comprehend when you're the one that someone's in love with, Ashley!" I say. Good gosh, Ashley, honestly.

She shrugs apologetically at me while Preston stands up, moving toward Rob, who now has his hand on the door knob. "Rob, wait-"

"I'm really really sorry, I swear I didn't try to! I actually tried my very best to not love you! Once I even took a picture of you and then cut it into little pieces, trying to convince myself that I hated you! Except it didn't work, and I ended up making a weird stalkery jigsaw puzzle of your face... The point it, it's not my fault, please don't hate me!" Rob rambles.

"You made a jigsaw puzzle of my face!?" Preston practically yells, eyebrows shooting up in surprise. Rob lets out a quiet sob as he nods his head. Then he flings the door open and runs outside. "W-Wait, Rob, I'm not- Rob!" Preston flies out the door after him.

"Erm... Whoops," Ashley says. "That didn't quite go as planned."

I facepalm, groaning in annoyance. "Seriously?"

"Uh, you guys are sort of huge fails at matchmakers," Mitch informs us (as if we didn't already know) as he walks down the stairs with Jerome in tow.

"Yeah, we kind of figured that out. Is Jerome okay?" I ask.

"He's got a black eye and his nose bled a bit, but that's all. He's fine," Mitch assures us as he and the Fluffy sit down across from Ashley and me.

"That's good. Well, since Preston and Rob dramatically exited the house, would you like to go next, Jerome?" Ashley asks.

"I would love to," Jerome says, smiling creepily. Oh, no. "Ashley, truth or dare?"

"Dare! I'm a wild woman!"

"Since you managed to completely destroy any chances the fans had at getting #Poofless to be real, why don't you and Lachlan make it up to them?"

"Huh? How do we do that?"

"Kiss, duh! Give us some #CraftBattleMariee!" Mitch says excitedly, taking out his phone and opening the camera app.

Ashley glances at me. "You okay with that, Lachlan?"

"Yeah, I mean, I guess so. It's for the fans, right?" I ask.

"For the fans," she agrees.

"For the fans."

"For the fans."

"Oh my gosh, just kiss already," Jerome complains. "And it has to be at least three seconds long and on the lips, we won't tolerate wimpy pecks on the cheek."

I sigh, leaning towards Ashley. "Three, two, one-"

"Dang it, shut up, Lachlan," Mitch groans. "No one counts down before kissing. You're completely ruining the romantic aura."

"There was never a romantic aura in the first place."

"Well, make one!"

I roll my eyes, leaning closer to Ashley. "Here we go," I breathe before pressing my lips softly to hers.

I may have pulled away three minutes later after accidentally getting a little too into the kiss.

"Woah," Jerome says slowly. "That was a tad more than three seconds, guys."

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