Chapter 6

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"He threw it, but this time missed, and it instead hit Thor, who had just entered and was staring at the scene with shock and confusement, right in the face."

3rd POV

Loki, who had been watching through a cracked open door, burst out laughing. Thor only looked more dumbfounded. "What is this? Is this a Midgardian tradition to which I have not heard of?"

"Yeah Thor, every month we have a huge ceremony where we attack each other with food," Percy responded, sarcasm dripping off every word. Thor just flushed. He looked around desperately, trying to find something to change the topic. His eyes landed on the pasta-covered Nico.

"Who is this young lad?" Thor questioned, gesturing to Nico.

"Nico di Angelo, son of Hades. You must be Thor?" Nico responded, shaking his hand.

"That is right demigod. Are you a friend of Perseus'?" Thor asked, missing the Percy's flinch when he used his full name.

"Cousin. I was here to meet Steve, and I was told to stay for dinner. That turned out to be a big mistake."

"Hey! If you hadn't stayed, then this wouldn't have happened, and it would've been a very boring dinner," Percy protested.

"Yeah. Well, Percy wants to talk before I leave, so... Where do you want to go, Perce?" Nico asked, clearly anxious to get away from the awkwardness.

"Right. This way's my room if you want to go there, or we could go to the pool?"

Nico shook his head at the pool idea, "your room is good."

"Whatcha guys gonna talk about?" Clint asked.

Before Percy could open his mouth, Nico just replied with a "none of your business." Tony raised his eyebrows. "We're all a team. If it concerns Percy, then it concerns us as well."

"Guys..." Percy tried to interrupt.

"No. There are things you don't know, things you don't want to know. We need to talk to get these things off our chests. We're all each other's got left, so please just don't even say this concerns you. It doesn't."

"Guys, I'm sorry but he's right about this. I need to talk to Nico, alone," Percy interjected. The Avengers scowled, but let it go.

"Thank you," Nico said, exasperated. They walked to Percy's room and sat on his bed. After a few moments of silence, Percy blurted, "I'm sorry about them, it's just that I think they want to really just know everything and if you have information they don't have, then they want to listen in."

Nico sighed, "It's okay. I... It's okay. So. How are you?"

Percy looked at the floor. Nico sensed something was definitely wrong. Well, more wrong than it already was.

"Percy... Percy what's wrong?" Nico asked, more urgent this time.

"Nico. My parents. They're gone."

Nico couldn't be hearing this correctly. Sally couldn't be gone. He would have felt it. She was the only thing he had close to a mother, "When... when did this happen?" Nico asked, throat dry.

"I don't know for sure. All I know is that there is now some college emo kid living in the apartment they were murdered in. Nico, I didn't even get to say goodbye. Or hello, for that matter. The last time I saw them was 9 months ago. I didn't see them for almost a year." By this time, Percy was in tears.

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