Chapter 3

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A/N Sorry, but this is kinda a filler chapter.

Percy POV

"Wait wait wait wait wait... so you're telling me that the guys who just fought, kidnapped, and then interrogated me are saying they want me on their team of superheroes?" Percy explained, unconvinced.

"Yes. If you decline, I am afraid we will have to force you," eye patch dude mentioned.

"Oh, so is this about the fact that you guys seem to think I'm a terrorist?"

"We need to keep our eyes on you."

"You mean eye?" To this, the pirate guy growled in frustration.

"You get to be a superhero," Iron man, or Tony Stark, exclaimed, interrupting the banter between Percy and Mr. Pirate, "did we tell you that? You get to save the world!"

Percy held back the urge to go "Been there done that. I'M A FREAKING HERO ALREADY MAN" and walk out of there flipping them all off. It made him smirk a bit just thinking about it. Unfortunately, the Avengers took this as "That sounds like a lot of fun! Let me go and save the world in an uncomfortable suit!"

"So... you'll join us?" Hawkeye asked, uncertainly.

"I don't think I have any other choice. You said you'd force me if I don't? Well, last time you had to force me to do something you guys won, and I don't want to get another arrow to the forearm."

"Well then, Perseus Jackson, welcome to the team."


Tony gave Percy a tour of the tower, pointing out where the bathrooms are, the training room, and, thankfully, there was a pool.

"Here's your room," Tony said as he opened a door, "It's usually a guest bedroom, but I guess it's yours now. You can do whatever you want with it, but if you bring a girl over-"

"I don't have a girlfriend," Percy said sharply. He didn't want to think about that right now. He was just really irritated by the fact that this was supposed to be his break. He was supposed to be spending time with his friends, rebuilding the damage to the camps, getting time off.

"Well, you might get one while you're living here," Tony replied.

"I'm not going to."

"Oh..." Tony paused, "If you have a boyfriend-"

"I don't have any special someone. I don't want anyone."

"Okay, okay. Just saying, if you have someone, ever, you guys either need to get separate rooms or lock and put a KEEP OUT sign on the door."

Percy rolled his eyes, and looked into his room. It was amazing, a mixture of gray and blue. Gray walls, just a shade darker than Annabeth's eyes, blue sheets and a blue rug. "I love it," Percy whispered.

"Pepper said it was a nice combination of colors," Tony said, shrugging, "If you come this way I'll show you the kitchen."

Percy followed, and when they got to the kitchen a voice rang out through the room. "Sir, the pizza you ordered is here."

Percy spun around, searching for the body that belonged to the voice, pulling out riptide in pen form. He heard Tony go "thanks Jarvis!" and Percy asked him WHO THE HECK WAS JARVIS?

Tony laughed. "Jarvis is my AI. He basically runs the whole building system. Hey Jarvis? Send the pizza up."


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