Chapter 5

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Kinda 3rd POV?

"What is he doing here?" Tony asked Thor sharply, "he tried to take over the world, remember?"

"I understand your distaste for my brother but Odin made me take him back here to Midgard to ensure his punishment. In any case, he has promised he won't try and rule over you humans again," Thor explained.

"Thor. I understand that he is your brother and you probably care about him very much, but he tried to take Earth. He used mind control to make me fight against you guys. And I know you want to trust him, but it's not a very good idea to trust the literal god of lies." Clint pointed out. Just as Thor was about to speak up again, Percy jumped in.

"I'm sorry, I'm a little..." he waved his hands around in the air, "confused with all," he gestured to Loki and the rest of the Avengers, "this."

"Oh, sorry. Let's just update you really quickly. This is Loki, god of mischief and lies and a bunch of other stuff, and he's the one who lead the Chitauri attack on New York. Overall not good guy," Tony explained, glaring at Loki the whole time.

"Listen, I can explain," Loki started, but was cut off by Clint.

"Nuh-uh, you don't get to talk right now. I'm still angry at you, and if you try to say anything I am fairly certain I will lose all self control and put an arrow through your face."

"Wait, Clint, can I hear what he was going to say?" Percy asked. He was wanted to hear what he had to say about the matter.

"Thank you. I can explain my actions during that time. I had too been controlled throughout the whole thing. Someone had been in control over me from the beginning. I didn't do any of that with my own free-will," Loki vowed.

After staring at Loki for a few seconds, searching for any sign that he was lying and finding none, Percy stated, "I believe him."

Outrage and disbelief burst from the mouths of the Avengers, aside from Thor, who looked at him thankfully.

"LISTEN! He has to stay here anyway, right Thor? So why don't you at least give him a chance!" Percy shouted over the protests.

"The hero is correct, midgardians. Loki will have to stay here, no matter how pleased you are by the idea," Thor confirmed. There were grumbled responses, some on the negative side and some on the not as negative side. Tony stalked out of the room, quickly followed by Clint, then Natasha, then Bruce and Steve. Thor then ran after them, trying to reason with them, leaving Percy and Loki in the room alone.

"So, are you by any chance the hero call Perseus Jackson?" Loki questioned, uncertainly.

Percy tensed, "yeah, how'd you know?"

"I heard Thor mention a 'Percy son of Jack', and you seem to fit the legend description fairly well. I put two and two together."

"Yeah. I guess that makes sense." They stood there, awkwardly. Percy finally walked over to the kitchen area and pulled out two bowls and spoons.

"Want some cereal?" He asked Loki. Loki looked at the dishes suspiciously. Being offered something and having it not be a trap was something that rarely happened. This had to be a trick. He'd just met this demigod and he was already offering food? This was a trap of some sort... he just couldn't figure out how.

"I'll just take that as a yes. What kind do you want? We have Mini-Wheats, Frosted Flakes, Cheerios..." He continued to name off numerous cereal brand names, but Loki didn't pay attention. He was still confused by what to do. Does he accept? What do you do when someone is nice to you? It was as if a DOES NOT COMPUTE warning was flashing across his brain.

Percy Jackson and Avengers Crossover :)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang