Chapter 37

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"I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you y/n." Is the last thing I can hear Five cry before he leaves. I catch a glimpse of the blue light that I've grown so familiar to.

I close my eyes, hoping that not seeing any blood will make the pain disappear but it doesn't. It's foolish and dumb that I thought this but I can't do anything more.

This could very easily be the end of my story. What a crazy story it has been. A lot of death. A lot of time travel. A lot of sadness and many broken hearts. But also a lot of love.

Five was and is my love. We will find our way back to each other, even if that takes years. I will find my Five again, even if it is in another life.

Hands grab me by my arms and pull me up, forcing me to sit up. I flinch when they pull up my shirt. The agents take a closer look at the wound that they made but I keep my eyes closed, still hoping that it'll make the pain go away.

"Open your eyes." A man's annoyed voice says while he shakes my weak body. I flinch again when the pain increases. I oblige and open my eyes, needing the pain to lessen.

A smirk forms onto the man's lips after I opened my eyes. His curly hair is in front of his eyes and I wonder if he can actually see me.

"Are you ready to see the handler?" He asks, making me frown.

"Isn't she dead?" I ask him, starting to feel nauseous. It might be all the blood but the thought that she may be alive isn't pleasuring me either.

A chuckle leaves the man's lips and he shakes his head. His black curls fall back in front of his eyes when his eyes are upon me again.

"She is very much alive." Another man says in a British accent. My eyes fall upon the voice's owner. A man who I think is around his thirties is standing behind the one who's still holding my arms, forcing me to sit straight.

"And she is damn pissed." The man with the black curls adds.

It takes a few seconds to process the new information I got. The handler is alive after Five tried to murder her. She didn't bleed to death like she should have. My eyes widen when I remember where we left her. We left her in my parents' house.

Would they have helped her?

I thought her cuts were too deep and that it wouldn't take her much longer to bleed out. I now know that I was wrong. Very wrong. She's alive and she's still head of the Commission.

In these few minutes, I haven't said a word. I suppose they're wanting to see if I still have enough strength to use my voice.

"She's pissed because she isn't better than me." I roll my eyes, showing the men my annoyance.

"You wish." The man with the black curls smirks, not seeing how serious I actually am.

I send him another eye roll and look straight into his eyes. "Are you challenging me?" I ask him and I tilt my head a little as I do so.

"What if I am?" He says, causing my blood to boil. Doesn't he know what powers I have? Didn't the handler, his boss, tell him? Or did she think I'd be too weak to use them anyway.

"Bring me to the handler so I can talk to her." I demand "Then I will show you what I am capable of."

"I can't wait." He says, not showing any sign of fright. He really doesn't know anything about my powers, does he? Did the handler send them to me so I could kill them? Did she want to see if I've got the killing in me?

She should know that I do. I've killed before, even though I didn't mean to. It's in me.

"Does she really think that she has a choice?" The British man scoffs "She's going whether she wants to or not."

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