Chapter 24

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"Let's go home." Five says as he helps me up.


"What about Cha Cha and Hazel?" I ask him "They will escape and. ."

Five locks his finger with mine and pulls me outside with him. "It's us leaving or us killing them."

"It's me killing them." I correct him. Yes, Five would easily kill the two too but it's my job. He'd have to fight with Cha Cha and Hazel and it would only take one movement for me to crack their necks.

He shakes his head immediately. "No." He says "You aren't killing anyone. You can't risk going back to the . ."

"To the what?" I ask, wanting to know what he was going to say.

It takes a few seconds for Five to answer and I wait in silence.

"To the dark side." He says almost in a whisper.

To the dark side? I've always thought it was a monster taking me over, but I guess the dark side would do. I feel my eyes getting glossy again and try to make sure that Five doesn't notice.

We're outside now, together with everyone else. Hundreds of students and teachers are standing here, all of them panicking. Many screams and cries are heard, making me want to disappear knowing that I have caused all of their tears.

Many eyes fall upon Five and me. They know. They know that all of this is my fault.

"Are you ready to spatial jump to the umbrella academy?" Five asks, confusing me.

I thought that nobody from my school was allowed to know about powers. Not mine and not five's. I would ask what happened that they can see him using his powers but I know very well what happened. I happened.

They already saw me using my powers. Nothing is left for us to do except to leave this school as quick as possible.

"Y/n?" A voice behind me says.

I turn around to see my friend standing there. Her eyes are also glossy and when I heard her call my name, I could hear that she had been screaming and crying. The panic on face when she sees me turning to her tells me enough. She's scared of me.

"Why didn't you tell us?" She asks in a whisper and I have to do my best to hear everything she asks.

"I-" My voice fails me "I couldn't." Five squeezes my hand in an attempt to reassure me but seeing how scared my friend is is breaking me.

Not wanting to see the pain in her eyes any longer, I turn to Five.

"I'm ready. Please take me to the academy." I say.

He nods and it just takes two seconds until I'm standing in his room. I sit onto Five's bed, feeling like I could break down again at any moment.

What if Hazel and Cha Cha will hurt the people I love because I left? Cha Cha can do anything when she's angry. I've seen what she can do and I've felt what she can do.

"They won't hurt anyone." Five says, answering the question that I was worrying about.

"How do you know?" I try to say but I'm not sure if he understood the whole question.

Fortunately, he didn't have to understand everything because he knows what I wanted to ask him.

"They won't because it's not their mission. We already changed time enough, they can't make any more mistakes." He explains.

We changed time.

Of course we did.

A frown appears on my forehead when Five starts to open his closets and starts to grab several of his uniforms. "What are you doing?" I ask him.

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