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"Chenle?" the familiarly deep voice asks in a painfully weak manner.

"No, Jisung, it's just me," Jeno replies in a softer tone.

He enters into Jisung's minimalistic bedroom, finding him lying on his bed, curled up in a ball, appearing as practically a pile of bones.

Fur covered bones.

Jeno sits calmly on the black sheets of the bed in front of Jisung, the small, fragile cat weakly lifting his head to peer back at him with glowing yellow eyes.

"Oh, Jeno..." he whispers, "Your face looks like your mother, but your eyes are your father's."

"Stop talking like a wise old man," Jeno lectures him, "I just came to say goodbye."


"Yes," Jeno replies bluntly, "I'm going to Hell. I have a score to settle with Xiao."

"Please don't go alone. Take Chenle with you. He-"

"It wasn't him, Jisung," Jeno interrupts him, "The Chenle we had was an incubus. Xiao still has the real Chenle. And I'm going to go find him."

"What? No...he can't-"

"He does. I'm sorry, Jisung. But I'll make sure I do whatever it takes to get him and Jaemin back," Jeno promises,

"I don't like how you're phrasing that," Jisung croaks out, "Tell me you'll make sure you get back safe, too."

Jeno's eyes flicker towards Mark, whom stands in the hallway watching on. Jeno hesitates answering. He hated how well Jisung knows how his mind works. He wished he was as naïve as Jaemin. Then he wouldn't have to explain how he's going on a suicide mission. How he's more concerned with saving Jaemin and Chenle than himself. Granted, Jaemin and Jisung would despise him more due to being lied to, but that would make losing him all the more sufferable, wouldn't it?

"You're drained from the incubus," Jeno avoids the subject, "I suggest getting lots of rest and getting into contact with Taeyong as soon as possible. I'm sure he can do something about you being reverted back into your feline form. I'd do it myself but the bastard's ignoring m-"

"Jeno would you shut the fuck up for five seconds about your stupid ass tangents and answer what I want to know?"

A tough son of a bitch, even when on the brink of death.

It almost makes Jeno laugh.

"I hope you know you've served me well, Jisung. I can't thank you enough for the companionship you've given me these past years. Take care of Jaemin for me," Jeno murmurs.

"Oh fuck off and stop being bleak," Jisung snaps, catching Jeno extremely off guard, "Listen to me: you're gonna go down there, show Xiaojun who's the fucking boss, save Jaemin and Chenle, and get your ass back here so we can all live happily ever after. Do I make myself clear?"

Jeno stares at Jisung for several seconds before he can find the proper words to say. It was like Jisung had smacked him across the face without actually touching him, and although Jeno wasn't fully convinced, his oddly aggressive pep talk was still nice to hear. It reminded him of the older, healthier Jisung, the one before the incubus joined them.

"I...okay. Yeah, crystal clear," Jeno stammers out.

"Good," Jisung mumbles as he lies his head back down on the bed, "Now go get him. Time's wasting the longer you drag your ass around here."

Jeno nods and stands up promptly from the bed.

"Goodbye, Jisung," Jeno states.

"See you later, Jeno," Jisung murmurs.

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