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⊱ ───── { Jeno } ───── ⊰

Jeno throws his pillow across his bedroom.

"Fuck!" he hisses, "Where the hell is my phone?"

Dismissing the rest of his already trashed room, he trudges out and enters into his study. Maybe he had left it in there last night?

Unfortunately, he's met with an unexpected sight upon opening the door to the room.

A boy sits in the chair in the corner of the room with a large book in front of their face.

"It's about time you checked in here. I was worried you wouldn't-"

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Jeno snaps venomously through his teeth.

"I have something you want," the boy says as he lowers the book and reveals his wide grin that stretches from ear to ear.

"And what's that?" Jeno clenches his fists.

"Jaemin," Xiaojun speaks in a low voice.

"No fucking way. He's protected. There's absolutely no way in hell you could ever get to him. Especially not without me knowing about it," Jeno calls his bluff.

"Are you sure about that?" Xiao asks, "Have you been checking your ring lately?"

Jeno's right hand instinctively reaches over to his left and begins twisting the ring around his ring finger. He pulls it off and examines it. Something wasn't right about it. He snaps his fingers, expecting the ring to change back into the shit plastic ring he had gotten for himself, but that doesn't happen. What's left in his hand is a fragile twisted up shred of napkin which is tied up like a ring.

"What the fuck did you do? Where is he?" Jeno bellows as he rips the paper ring in two, "Where is my ring?"

"All good questions. The ring is in a safe place with someone I trust. It was pretty easy doing a little switcharoo on you while you were sleeping," Xiao gazes at his fingernails nonchalantly, "As for Jaemin...well...how about you come find him."

"You son of a bitch!" Jeno barrels towards Xiao like a charging bull, but the second he reaches the chair, he vanishes quickly in a puff of smoke.

"This way," Xiao taunts him from the doorway behind him. Jeno spins on his heel and takes off after the slippery bastard.

Every time he managed to come close to reaching him and choking Xiao out, he would just vanish and reappear a few feet further away, laughing maniacally.

He was leading Jeno out of his house and to a place nearby. He didn't know where, but he didn't care. Xiao would have to stop at some point, and he would be there to strangle him when he does.

Suddenly, though, Xiao just completely vanishes at the gates of a cemetery. He's nowhere to be found, only the graves of the departed overgrown with weeds accompany Jeno. He grinds his teeth, feeling infuriated that Xiao was such a coward as to lead him this far and then dip.

No...this can't be it. He lead him here for a reason. Jaemin has to be in there somewhere, right?

Jeno hears a sudden shriek coming from somewhere inside the cemetery, and the sound of it turns his blood to ice. His heart drops to the concrete, feeling completely and utterly sick at the sound. He knows that voice. He knows who it belongs to, and it causes him to break out into a sprint towards the sound.

The voice he heard was Jaemin's.

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