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Jeno sits still on his bed with his legs crisscrossed. His phone sits in front of him as he debates bothering Jaemin. Well, calling him, to be exact.

Maybe if he kept it short and asked him about Mark and Donghyuck, he could end the call before Jaemin started asking questions, himself.

"Mark, you motherfucker. Why can't you and Donghyuck be easier to contact? I need help," Jeno throws his head back into his headboard with a loud thump.

An orb appears in Jeno's room in front of his bed and begins to expand. Jeno closes his eyes and shields his face with his hands until the light dims.

"You could've said something sooner, then," a familiar voice hisses.

Jeno opens his eyes to a black haired boy with his arms crossed, standing at the foot of his bed.

"Mark!" Jeno exclaims.

"What do you want?" he mutters, still very obviously bitter from the last time they saw one another.

"Listen, I need you to help me figure something out, okay?" Jeno sits upright.

"Go on," Mark prompts him.

"Okay so after I stormed out of my study, I came in here. A little while later, Jaemin comes, in. He starts accusing me of still being loyal to my father and saying a lot of harsh things. The thing is, when I went to see him at his house, later, his hair was pink, not brown, and he told me he had no idea what I was saying," Jeno rambles on, "The thing that came to visit me in my room was clearly not Jaemin, and I was wondering if maybe you know what it was?"

"I...I actually don't know. Are you certain it wasn't Jaemin? Or maybe Jaemin being possessed by a demon?" Mark takes a seat on Jeno's bed casually as he looks into his eyes with a deeply perplexed expression.

"I'm certain. I tried to kiss him, but...it was empty. Like I might as well have been kissing a mannequin," Jeno shakes his head.

"I mean, I know of a few shapeshifting spells, but I'm not sure I know many demons who would do what it sounds like that one did," says Mark.

"Do you maybe...know anything about...about incubi?" Jeno hesitantly asks.

"Why that demon, specifically?" Mark retorts as his brow furrows deeply.

"I just...I noticed this book...I don't know where it came from, but...but I looked into it. They seem to have some parallels with what I saw but-"

"But incubi prey on human emotion. It wouldn't make sense for them to try and prey on a half-demon. It's just not really their typical target. It's usually primarily humans or anything with a heart to love someone or something," Mark begins to mumble to himself, "But even then, why would an incubi go through the trouble of looking like a near carbon copy of Jaemin when all it intended to do was separate you two? It doesn't make sense."

"That's what I was thinking," Jeno agrees.

"Have you noticed any other suspicious activity?" Mark prompts him.

"Not exactly?" Jeno responds with an air of uncertainty.

"Okay, well, please keep me informed. I don't know what's targeting you, but you need to be careful. It might be targeting Jaemin as well. I'll be working with Donghyuck to figure out what this thing is before it stirs up anymore trouble. If you see it again, do not engage with it. Okay? We don't know what it does or what it's goal is, but you need to keep yourself and Jaemin safe. Are we clear?" Mark shoots up onto his feet.

"Yes," Jeno confirms.

"Good. Now if you'd excuse me, Donghyuck and I have a demon wandering around the downtown area that we need to capture and send back to Hell," Mark straightens up.

"Good luck," Jeno states.

"Same to you," Mark nods before vanishing in a beam of light.

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