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Jeno rummages through his books, flicking through pages and pages of useless information on various demons, but not a single one of them fit what he saw. Not even close.

That is, until he spots a mysterious book sitting on the bottom shelf of his bookcase. One with a fiery red leather cover and nothing on it to indicate what exactly it was or what the contents contained. He sets it down on his podium and examines it with extreme curiosity. He had never seen this book before in his life. Had he just simply forgotten about it?

No...he would have remembered such a brightly coloured tome that stands out against the rest.

Jeno flips open the front cover of the book and begins to skim the contents.

"An incubus?" he mumbles to himself as he takes a moment to flip to a further page in the rather short book. Sure enough, the entirety of it solely discusses incubi.

Jeno tries to recall reading a book on the subject of incubi, but all he recalls is a very small excerpt from a book which briefly goes over many different demons that are well-known from across the world. His father never taught him much about those. Probably because they didn't really pose a threat to him and knew to stay away from the son of the devil. But why would he suddenly have a book solely dedicated to them? His father never gave him one. They were never a part of any of his lessons.

Pushing his questions aside, he begins vigorously reading to his fastest pace. He takes mental notes as he goes along, but the farther he gets, the more disturbed he becomes.

Incubi prey on an individual's soul through the purest form of emotion: love. An incubus seduces their victims and drains them slowly of the life energy in their soul until they are too weak to exist. Once this occurs, the incubus will consume what's left, and their victims will appear to have died of a debilitated heart. While many humans believe incubi consume this energy through sex, an incubus can extract it through any form of affection. This allows for the incubi to drain their victims faster and at a much more efficient rate depending on how quickly they would like to kill them.

To ensure the entrapment of their victims, incubi will transform into the likeness of their true love's form-

Jeno slams the book shut abruptly at this line. He didn't dare read more in fear of the implications this makes. But what he read was enough to plague his mind with questions.

Was what he saw really an incubus? What did it want with him? Why was it trying to separate him and Jaemin rather than just convince him that it was in fact Jaemin? Why didn't he feel any weaker after kissing it? None of it made sense.

It couldn't be it, right? If the dots don't connect, and the answer only causes more questions, then it can't be it, right? Maybe Xiaojun purposely put the book there to throw him off. Yes, that had to be it. The bastard was meddling, again.

Jeno shuts his eyes briefly and takes a deep breath. He convinces himself that he needs to take a break and come back to searching when he wasn't so riled up over the whole situation. He needed a clearer head, and being stressed and angry wasn't going to help.

At that, he walks away and determines that some sleep would do him some good.

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