8 - Hiyoko killed Fuyuhiko

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A/N: I hope you don't mind me changing a few things

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A/N: I hope you don't mind me changing a few things.
I'm currently playing Chapter 3 of SDR2 so I was having lots of fun writing this >w<

I decided to not add the trial cuz it might ruin it


"Ehehehe..." Mikan drooled as she went closer to Hajime, tightening her grip "M-Mikan...Th-This is the third time this week! M-Move!" Hajime exclaimed losing his breath. "N-No...It tickles..." Mikan muttered. "Please wake up, Mikan!" "No...I want you to feel the same despair as me..."

Mikan tightened her grip even more "M-Mikan...! S-Stop! I...I think you have the despair disease!" Hajime then got out of her grip and immediately went to the bathroom to compose himself.

{ The Next Day ; Hospital Lobby }

Once Fuyuhiko arrived at the hospital he was greeted by two newly infected students. "Ehehehe...Nice to see you Fuyuhiko! Wanna kill Hajime?" Mikan giggled "So boring...." Haijime muttered. "W-Woah! You two got the despair disease!?" Fuyuhiko exclaimed.

Hajime stayed silent while Mikan continued muttering about despair and her beloved. "You two, stay in your rooms. I'm gonna tell the others!" Fuyuhiko lead the two of them to their rooms and contacted the others.

"Yo! Eh? It's just you Fuyuhiko?" Kazuichi asked "Mikan and Hajime got the despair disease. Mikan keeps muttering about despair and shit while Hajime keeps saying things are boring! I need help here!" Fuyuhiko replied.

"Hmph. It seems that the mortal and the Angelic Healer have caught the unbearable curse!" Gundham exclaimed "I'll go help you, Fuyuhiko. It must be hard dealing with 5 infected students now without medical knowledge since Mikan has caught it now" Chiaki said. "Thanks, Chiaki" Fuyuhiko replied. He ended the connection to handle the 5 while waiting for Chiaki.

{ Meanwhile ; Hiyoko's Motel Room }

"Gh! Come on, Hiyoko! Mahiru taught you how to do this!" Hiyoko said to herself as she tried to tie her Kimono. "Um...Hiyoko? May I come in?" Sonia asked from the other side of the door. Hiyoko didn't respond so she let herself in.

"H-Hiyoko!? Do you need help?" Sonia asked "I...I don't need help! Mahiru taught me how, so I'm gonna do it myself!" Hiyoko exclaimed "There's a full-body mirror in the Music Venue, Storage Room. I think that would be easier to do it in front of that" "Yay! Thank you Big Sis Sonia!" Hjyoko exclaimed as she ran out of the motel to the Music Venue.

{ Music Venue }

"Big Sis Mahiru will be so proud when she sees that I can tie my Kimono on my own!" Hiyoko said to herself but when she entered the Music Venue. "M-Mikan!? I-Ibuki!?" Hiyoko exclaimed as she saw Mikan preparing to kill Ibuki.

"Hello, Hiyoko. Do you want to rejoin me on the side of despair? It's amazing if you met my beloved!" Mikan exclaimed as she held a sharp object. "Gross! You're like Nagito but with despair! I don't wanna join a pig like you!" Hiyoko exclaimed "That's unfortunate but...FOR JUNKO!!!" Mikan yelled as she tried to stab Hiyoko's neck but the door slammed into Mikan's face.

"Where's Mikan and Ibuki!?" Fuyuhiko exclaimed from the other side of the door "I'm right here Mr. Kuzuryu! Mikan told me to stay here for a bit!" Ibuki exclaimed still having the disease. "That bitch tried to kill me! I just wanted to tie my Kimono!" Hiyoko exclaimed pointing to the unconscious Mikan on the floor.

"Go ahead and do whatever you want. I'll take care of these two. Ibuki, go back to your room in the hospital" Fuyuhiko said as he dragged the unconscious Mikan to the Hospital.

"Hmph! I still don't trust him..." Hiyoko muttered as she went to the Storage Room to tie her Kimono.

{ Nighttime }

Hiyoko snuck into the hospital holding a syringe with slow-acting poison. "This will kill her for sure" Just when she was about to enter Mikan's room. "*Yawn* Hiyoko...?" Fuyuhiko muttered, half-asleep "GAH! What are you doing here!?" Hiyoko exclaimed.

"I'm taking care of the infected students, did you forget?" He replied "Wait, what are you doing here?" He added snapping awake "Um...I just left something here! Y-Yeah, that's it!" She lied "You never went to the hospital because you didn't want to get infected" He said.

Fuyuhiko then noticed the syringe "What are you gonna do with that?" He asked "N-Nothing!" "Give it to me!" "NO!!!"

Fuyuhiko accidentally pricked his finger on the needle "Oh no...no no no nonono NO!" Hiyoko exclaimed realizing what she did. She didn't even know the antidote so she killed someone without knowing it.

"Mahiru didn't want me to kill him...What have I done?" Hiyoko muttered while crying.

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