Bebop (crack!fic)

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"Honey! There's bebop falling from the sky!" Aziraphale yelled into the door of the bookshop.

Crowley, sitting on the couch, immediately facepalmed and clapped back sarcastically, "oh yes, the meteorologist called for a slight chance of bebop."

"For heaven's sake- come here!"

Crowley, with a groan, stood and walked to the door where his angel was standing. He progressively became more aware of the sound of bits of plastic slapping the ground. Countless copies of the Velvet Underground were just falling from the sky. No signs of stopping.

"What the fuck¿"

"Language, Crowley!"

"English, Aziraphale."

"What the fuck is a bebop?" Both heads whipped to the side to see a very confused Gabriel. He made eye contact with the pair, before snapping his fingers and leaving this forsaken planet.

• • •

I honestly don't know what the fuck this is, but I just had a conversation with PancakeCat2007 and @TheBroadwayJay (why won't it let me tag you,, that's so sad, Alexa-)

i physically cannot commit more brain cells to this 😂

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