Chapter 24: In Love With Sonoda Umi

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So I am so, so, so, sorry for not updating for the past 2 months. I really lost my inspiration and school had me at my back. But now that school's over I'll try my best to update more. And another reason why I haven't been writing was because I'm slowly losing interest in Love Live, BUT I am now rewatching the series (for the fourth time) so I can regain that interest!

Oh and sorry if this is a bit rushed and short, I really wanted to post something already today! But I'll try to redeem myself in the next chapter!

Other than that I hope you enjoy! :)

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Love Live! characters nor do I own the series itself.


Chapter 24: In Love with Sonoda Umi

For the last sixteen years of Umi's life, she had experienced all kinds of troubles. Most of them being misunderstandings, but some of them are just her wanting to cause trouble for fun. And thanks to all her experiences, Umi knows how to get in and out of trouble. Except for this one apparently...

"U-uhm... there's a snack bar full of food and a mini-fridge filled with fresh ingredients here..." The sweet voice of Kotori stuttered out nervously. Umi gulped to steady her breathing before replying to the ash-haired girl.

"O-oh, it seems that whoever got us here was planning on keeping us for a few days," the blue-haired girl shook her head in displeasure, "I think I might already have an idea to who the mastermind of this plan is."

Kotori nodded her head and walked towards Umi. She smiled positively and placed her hands on the other's shoulders. "I doubt we're going to be stuck here for too long, whoever planned this definitely didn't do it with malicious intent! We'll be out of here before you know it!" Grinning, Kotori chirped cheerfully before stepping back into the bar. Leaving behind a blushing Umi.

"Seriously, that girl..." She whispered under her breath.


"So how'd go?" Nico bit into the chip she was currently snacking on as she questioned the taller girl beside her. Eli grinned gave the older girl a thumbs up.

"Went really well on my side of things. Got Umi to drink the drink and drag her ass into the room," Eli paused when she snatched a chip from Nico. "As for Nozomi, it went okay as well too. She did say that it took her a while to finally make Kotori drink the drink... but it still went as planned!" The blonde gave Nico an even bigger grin.

"Plan success! But Mission is still on a go until they come out of that room with their hands-"

"-Or lips," Nico added.

"-connected!" Eli finished, also nodding at Nico's addition. Now all they have to do is be patient and wait.


They were now drinking tea in silence, sitting on the mini couch comfortably placed on the side of the room. Kotori had prepared them the tea earlier. It was silent, but not an uncomfortable one. It was nice but at the same time, both want to speak up but is too scared to even try. After a few minutes of nothing but silence, Kotori built up the courage and spoke up first.

"Say, Umi-chan." The ashen-haired girl began and gently placing down her cup onto the wooden coffee table. She then started fidgeting with her fingers that rested on top of her thighs. "That time... at the party..." The way how Kotori's voice soften even softer than usually made Umi both nervous and lovestruck. "Um... well... remember that time after we stopped k-k-kissing..." Kotori continued.

Umi almost spat out her tea from her mouth. She might not have spat but she definitely choked on it. The blue-haired girl was hitting her chest as fits of coughs kept going, and when she managed to regain composure, she placed her cup down onto the table and looked up at Kotori. Umi somehow saw the amused glint in the ash-haired girl's eyes.

"Y-Yeah... I-I think I remember that- when you started crying not the kissing part!" The blue-haired girl waved her hands in denial, making the other girl giggle. Umi smiled at the action, but it was gone as soon as it came.

Kotori came to stop too. She stared at the two cups next to each other sadly. She took a deep breath and spoke, "the reason why I cried was because... I remembered..." She began, receiving a confused look from the blue-haired girl.

"Remembered?" Umi ushered.

"Yes, you see, ever since my accident, I always wanted to remember. Who was Kotori and who am I now?" The ash-haired girl closed her eyes but continued nevertheless. "Was I kind or was I rude? Did I break the rules at school? Or maybe was I a teacher's pet? Just who am I?" Kotori laughed solemnly and opened her eyes.

"And the question that never seemed to go away from my head ever since I came to Otonokizaka was..." She turned her head and faced Umi, her expression determined and sincere. This shocked Umi to a whole different level, especially what the other girl says next.

"Just who in the world are you, Sonoda Umi?"

Umi's mouth went agape, she opened it and closed it, wanting to say something that never came. Kotori's eyes watered, she took her hand up and placed it on the Umi's cheek. "But that's not all," she encountered. "There was another thing that popped into my head- not the past Kotori, but from me." Kotori rested her forehead onto Umi's, who was still speechless. The ash-haired girl laughed and smiled charmingly.

"I'm in love with you, Sonoda Umi."

One Last Time (KotoUmi)(AU)(Futanari)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora