Prologue: The Promise

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Hola people! So I decided to put my story from FFN here! I must warn you that I wrote this chapter with my phone, so don't expect something grand. Anywho, let's move on!


This is just a project, if the first few chapters does not go well, I will not continue this story and stop.

This story might contain Futanari, so if you're not into that I suggest you to not read this.

This story is rated T but might change to rated M in the future so be prepared for that.

This story might contain a lot of OOC since I needed to make the characters more... different.

Other than that I hope you enjoy this story! :)

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Love Live! characters nor do I own the actual show.


Prologue: The Promise

The two girls ran up the grassy hill together, both laughing at each others company. Enjoying their time together every month, every week, everyday, every hour, every minute, every second...

As the two girls reached the top, they both sat down and enjoyed the beautiful view of the town from afar. The blue-haired girl started plucking the flowers around her and making it into a ring like shape.

"Kotori, I love you so, so much, and when we're old enough I wish to marry you. To see you walk down the aisle with a beautiful dress. I want us to say our vows, exchange rings, and finally a kiss to seal our vows." Umi had said with confidence as she brought up the flower ring in front of Kotori's face.

Shocked at first, the girl then started giggling as she regained from her previous shock. "Umi-chan, I think you've been reading to much love novels." Kotori stated with a little mischievous glint in her eyes.

At this, Umi looked down in defeat assuming that Kotori had rejected her. She couldn't imagine what it would be like to be separated from her. Kotori was her light, her hope, her reason why she still stands even after being abused day by day from her dad. She was the reason why she still hadn't ended her life after her mother passed away from an accident.

As tears formed in Umi's eyes, she suddenly felt warm hands touch her cheeks gently making her look up. As she looked up at Kotori's amber eyes, she saw her left hand go up indicating her that she wants to the flower ring on her finger.

Lifting the flower ring and sliding it on Kotori's ring finger, Umi smiled at her as her tears dried up. "Yes, I will marry you, Umi-chan." Kotori gently whispered as tears of happiness started to fall.

Umi wiped her tears away and kissed her forehead gently. "Sorry, did I force you?" She whispered.

"No, no, it's just that... I'm happy, really happy." Kotori wiped her own tears. "Promise that we'll get married?" It was more of a question than a statement.

"I promise." Umi said lifting up her pinky. "Actually, I don't think a pinky promise would be good enough." Putting down her pinky, Umi then tried to think of a better method.

"How about a... kiss?" Kotori suggested while blushing. This made Umi blush even more furiously. "I m-mean if... that's ok with you?" Umi scratched the back of her neck awkwardly as she awaited for Kotori's answer.

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