Chapter 22: Operation KotoUmi (2)

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Nozomi, Eli, Nico - Third years (17yr)

Umi, Honoka, Kotori, Kanan, Mari, Dia - Second years (16yr)

Hanayo, Rin, Maki, Chika, Riko, You - First years (15yr)

Hanamaru, Yoshiko, Ruby - Middle school (14yr)

Just wanted to clarify that. Though, some sunshine characters won't be relevant. Some might even not appear.

Okay, to start I apologize sincerely for the one-month hiatus, a lot of personal stuff is going on. I was going to update this on monday but my charger broke and my laptop died while adjusting some stuff (FFN and Wattpad was being glitchy at the time orz).

I'm going to say some stuff at the end of the chapter so please read it.

Other than that I hope you enjoy! :)

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Love Live! characters nor do I own the series itself.


Chapter 22: Operation KotoUmi (2)

"Not surprised that you came up with something like this," Nozomi commented amusedly. The three third years were currently at the clubroom, with an amused Eli, smirking Nozomi, and a prideful looking Nico. The raven-haired girl had just finished telling her plans to the other two, surprising them but at the same time, amusing them.

"What did you expect from our cute impure Nico, but quick question though," Eli added. "How are we going to find the people to help us, I mean we could hire someone... but I don't think it'll be cheap." The blonde mused while Nozomi did the same. Fortunately, Nico had a plan, a very clever plan.

"You know... we can use that." Nico smirked mischievously. It seemed that Nozomi and Eli knew what the girl is saying as they gaped surprisingly at the girl.

"No, Nico. We are not using Maki's money." Eli deadpanned. She knew not to anger the redhead as she had already experienced that event. Though Umi had defeated Maki in a fist fight, Eli can guarantee that there's a fifty percent chance she could lose against the fellow first year.

Nico exaggerated her groan as she frowned at Eli's comment. Though she was just joking, half of her actually thought that using Maki's money was smart. "What do you expect us to do then, huh?" Nico grumbled through her gritted teeth. The two third years had a little glaring battle before being stopped by a purple-haired girl who cleared her throat loudly.

"Ahem," she feigned. "I think I may have a plan." Nozomi grinned when the other two looked at each other than at her, urging the girl to continue. "I think I know someone who might willingly help us without charging us." She continued.

Eli frowned in confusion before asking a simple question. "Who?" Nozomi only grinned at the question. "You'll see, now follow me."


"Shiny!" A blonde girl exclaimed with stars practically evident in her eyes. Another girl was beside her with blue hair styled in a high ponytail. The said girl looked like she was in deep thought, with her index finger and thumb underneath her chin and eyebrows furrowed.

"So you want me to help you with your 'operation'?" The girl asked cautiously. But that feigned caution soon turned into an amused and seemingly interested smile. Nico, Eli, and Nozomi were in front of the two waiting for an answer.

One Last Time (KotoUmi)(AU)(Futanari)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu