Very Short Author's Note (Please Read)

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Heya folks! I'm going to keep this short.

No chapters for the next few days. Sorry orz.

I got sick for three days and missed two days of school, so I need to catch up. Also I have a test tomorrow and I'm going to fail ;-;

Moving on! Here's a quick preview on the next chapter!

Chapter 8: I'll Fight For You

Umi grunted as a reply. She took her fedora off and placed it on a table. Pulling her tie, she then wrapped it around her fist. Umi took her stance, and finally... the fight begins.

Oooh~~ I wonder who Umi could be fighting? Could it be Haru? Take a guess who it is since I want to see your answers! But don't worry you'll find out the truth in the next chapter! Until then, seeya folks!


"Interesting to see you being so rough," Kirane smirked, "but it's not that I mind. Just pretty impressed that you can be so dominant."

One Last Time (KotoUmi)(AU)(Futanari)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant