Chapter 16: Familiarity

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Sorry for the short chapter and I apologize for taking so long. I'm really having a tough time so I hope you guys can understand that.

Other than that I hope you enjoy! :)

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Love Live! characters nor do I own the series itself.


Chapter 16: Familiarity

Umi stared down at the desperate looking girl. Even though Kotori that had asked the same question when they first met, Umi was still taken aback from the question.

I mean, what else could she say? The blue-haired girl couldn't simply say 'oh yeah we met, we even dated back then too', especially not without breaking Maki's promise.

So, Umi decided to choose the safest way possible and played dumb. She promises to make that Kotori fall in love with her, not the past Kotori that was already in loved Umi.

"N-No, not at all. I've just heard a lot about you... f-from Eli...!" Umi avoided Kotori's intense stare while stuttering her words out.

"Okay..." Kotori finally replied back after a few awkward silence later, albeit it was very doubtful.

Umi eyes softened and she was also about to explain properly when suddenly, the crowd moved forward, leaving Kotori and Umi in a, finally, almost empty space.

Kotori unlatched herself from Umi's body awkwardly. The blue-haired girl realized that the shorter girl had lingered a bit longer than normal. She blushed but decided to leave the shameless thought aside.

"Kotori! Umi!" The both of them heard their name being yelled along with a waving and running Honoka. Kotori smiled at the girl. Though, Umi could see that it was forced.

"Honoka-chan! And... Eli-chan...?" Kotori saw that Honoka was pulling the, still, depressed blonde with her other hand. The blonde and ginger stopped in front of them, panting slightly.

"There was such a huge crowd that I thought that I wouldn't see you guys anymore!" Honoka explained with an erratic hand motion. "Apparently, there was some kind of a new game in the arcade that everyone was dying for!" The ginger set her bags down and started stretching.

"Well it wasn't as good as they thought it would be so they all left. Honoka and I tried to squeeze through to you guys, but it was too crowded," Eli sighed a bit before lightening up. "Glad to see you guys are okay! Now, shall we head home? It's getting pretty late..." The blonde looked at her watch with a worried expression.

The other three nodded in agreement before walking to the exit. This time, it was Honoka and Eli who were in the front, and following along were Kotori and Umi. The both of them were awkwardly watching the two girls in front talk to each other.

When all of them got outside, Honoka and Eli were saying their goodbyes to one another, leaving Kotori and Umi to say theirs to the other.

Umi scratched the nape of her neck sheepishly. "Uh... so, yeah... I'll see you on Monday?" Umi awkwardly announced, making Kotori giggle at her quietly.

Before Umi could even say anything, Kotori tiptoed and kissed the blue-haired girl on the cheek, succeeding to make the said girl stiffen and blush.

"I'll see you on Monday, Umi-chan..." Kotori gleamed when she broke the kiss. Umi could only nod slowly while blushing furiously.

Kotori grinned at her before turning to face the other girls. When they both did, they immediately blush even more. Honoka and Eli were watching the whole scene with a sly smirk.

Kotori looked down embarrassedly and walked towards Honoka. She dragged the girl and said a quick goodbye to Eli then left, with her dragging the ginger along.

Both Umi and Eli watched the whole thing happened together. Umi, who still had the blush on, then got teased by Eli.

"So... you and Kotori again?" Eli asked teasingly as the two started walking home. Umi almost choked at this question but managed to maintain herself.

"N-No... she doesn't remember me."

"I heard... I'm sorry, Umi. Must be hard, especially for you..."

"It's fine... I..."

Umi felt tear forming but she stayed strong and prevented it from falling. Eli saw this and hugged her tightly. She was whispering comforting words to her and telling her that it was all going to be okay.

"Don't worry, Umi. If it's Kotori then I'm almost certain that she'll fall in love with you all over again!" Eli grinned at Umi and gave her a noogie.

"Hey! Stop that!" Umi yelled, though, she too was grinning. Eli obliged and stopped, she smirked at the shorter girl and started running ahead of her.

"Race you to the house!"

"Hey wait! That's cheating!"

The two ran down the neighbor with huge grins plastered on their faces along with joyful laughters. It was almost like this everyday. And Umi sure hopes it will be. She hopes...


Can I just get some rest? I'm really tired and I really, really want some sleep...

Next week is the last week of school before winter break, meaning school is going to be very hectic.

Just give me one week of rest then I'll continue next weekend.

Thanks guys, I'll see y'all next weekend then...

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