Chapter 65- Cove Rave Part 2

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"There's nothing like old friends!" We sang out and hugged each other tighter.

Demi and I giggled, squished underneath Jared's arms. 

"Ow, Jared get off of me," Lissa growled. 

"Love me Lisa!"

She smacked his stomach giving us an instant release from his armlock. 

"Take me back when we were just kids," Demi and I sang out.

"We weren't scared of getting older," we sang with everyone around us. 

It was true, what they say. There truly was nothing like old friends and as I stared at my two best friends and my brother, I wished for nothing more than to be a kid with them again. To not be scared of getting older. 

"Look," Lissa pointed up. We followed her hand and above us a firework burst.

Maybe getting older wasn't as bad as we liked to make it. Maybe together, we would always be kids because together time worked differently. In a way it slowed down because doing life together lightened burdens and lifted the illusion that we had to go at it alone. In the same way,  life moved faster with each other because time flies when you're having fun. 

"That looks like a vagina." Jared said and pointed at the firework. "There's a vagina in the sky."

The three of us sighed.

"God Demi, you're boyfriend is so mature," Lissa rolled her eyes.

I stepped back, my mouth open in surprise. "Boyfriend?"

They looked at each other and smiled before shrugging. 

"Seriously?!" I hugged the two of them then reached out for Lissa. "Lissa, I just have to find a way to make you my sister now."

"Get a hotter brother."

"Hey!" Demi and Jared said in unison.

We stayed in each other's hugs as we watched the fireworks and after a few minutes, I sighed. Tonight was the perfect way to end the Summer.

"I love you guys," I smiled. 

"We love you," Lissa and Demi cooed.

"I have to love you, so..." Jared feigned indifference. 

"Punk." I punched his shoulder, making him chuckle.

"Seriously though, I'm going to miss this, us."

They stared back at me, nodding. We all understood what the next two days meant. It was time for us to go our separate ways and who knew if once we got jobs, we would ever be together like this again.

So, for the next hour, we pushed aside the thoughts of leaving and danced together underneath the fireworks and the stars. For the next hour, we clung to the idea of not growing up and to hanging on to what would become the most monumental summer of our lives. From here on out, our moments wouldn't be defined by our Cape childhood alone. We would leave this place in the next few days creating new memories together and apart. No longer would they be reserved to our little patch of sand on the Cape anymore. 

I spent the entire Summer in an unexpected love triangle, facing my demons and fearing the idea of growing up. Tonight, I could look back at the last two months knowing that no, I didn't end up with love, but I got my brother back. I was getting music back. I was getting my heart back. 

In two days, I'll get on a plane to Texas. In two days, I'll have to stop wrestling with the old me in order to truly become myself. I knew that meant facing my demons with music. I knew that meant meeting with Dr. Klein in the music department. I had two days to mentally will myself to step into a room that could change the course of my career. The truth is, without Dad or Jared, I'm not entirely sure I can make myself walk back into the music department. Was I really ready to consistently open the wound from my father's death by writing songs again?

"Hey, are you okay?" Jared asked while we walked to his jeep.

I nodded.

"So," he cleared his throat, hanging back with me and letting Lissa and Demi pull ahead. "There's a sale on tickets with Southwest right now."

He wouldn't look at me, but I saw him swallow all of the things he really wanted to say.


He chewed his bottom lip, staring straight ahead. "Mhmm, I was thinking," he scratched the back of his head. "Maybe I could come down, soon. If you wanted."

My heart lifted knowing I would see him sooner rather than later. 

"I think that would be really fun."


I smiled. "Cool."

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