Chapter 3 - We Are Dark's Light

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Meet Demi at the top!! She's pretty adorable and awesome! Also, a video of what I picture Dark's Light to be.

"I'm not going," I stated, while looking in the mirror.

"Oh yes you are," Lissa grumbled while tugging at the hem of my dress.

"I'm not," I said. "You can't make me either." I crossed my arms and met her angry gaze.

"Are you serious?" Lissa blew her bangs out of her face.

"Yes!" I threw my hands up. "Lissa, I don't even know that I'll see him tonight at the boardwalk. Your plan is ridiculous."

Lissa raised an eyebrow and narrowed her eyes. "If you don't go tonight, I will actually kill you."

I narrowed my eyes. "Try me."

"You guys are both ridiculous," Demi said from my bathroom. "There is a concert going on tonight and it's going to be so packed. You won't see him even if he was three feet away from you."

I held a hand towards Demi. "See? Thank you Demi." Demi's head snapped up with a smirk.

"I still think we should go out, but not for him..." she trailed off and stared at my dress while furrowing her eyebrows. "I also don't think you should dress nice."

Demi looked at Lissa. "That's jumping the gun," she said.

"Thank you! Wait," I looked back at Demi. "I don't want to go to that concert. It's Dark's Light, the whole beach is going to be full of college girls." I crossed my arms again.

"Because it's Dark's Light Alice!" Demi said excitedly before placing the nail polish back under the sink. "We have to go, how many opportunities will we get to see them? Zero, zilch, that's how many."

I glanced between the two of them. Demi looked excited at the possibility of going out and seeing her favorite band. Lissa looked pissed and wouldn't make eye contact with either of us. Instead, she scrolled through her phone, her foot bouncing up and down with her legs crossed.

I sighed. "Fine."

"Umm, who said I wanted to go?" Lissa asked, annoyed.

"You aren't invited if you're going to act like a bitch," Demi pointed out and waddled to my closet, her toe separators squishing against the wood flooring.

"You're the bitch," Lissa mumbled.

"Lissa, it's not like you're never going to dress me, but c'mon I may never see him again," I reasoned.

"If I have anything to do with it, you will," she said pointedly. She stood up and walked to my closet.

I stood there, my hands on my hips. "Guys, I would like to pick my outfit out of my own clothes first."


"Ohhh my gosh," I said, my eyes wide as I stared at the beach now covered in the bikini clad college girls screaming their heads off as the opening band played. We squished through the crowd trying to get as close to the front as possible.

"This is so awesome!" Demi yelled over the roar of the crowd. Lissa glanced nervously around the crowd. Lissa hated crowded places with a passion. She would do nearly anything to avoid them.

"Demi!" I called over to her and leaned around Lissa, avoiding a girl sloshing her beer around in a red solo cup. Demi glanced around Lissa's blonde hair to look at me.

"I don't think we can get any closer!" I said and Demi waved my thought away as if saying, please, watch me.

Boy was she right. Demi weaved her way through the crowd, holding Lissa's hand, dragging her and I behind her. We ended up maybe ten feet from the stage and Demi was screaming her head off.

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