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Newt and ______ got back to the apartment around 3 o'clock, surprised to see Queenie home already. Walking in, Queenie could see the surprise on Newt's face and didn't need to read his mind to know what he was going to ask. "I was sent home early," Queenie told him simply, trying not to go into too much detail in front of ______. "They got swamped with a huge case today suddenly, and they told me to go home because I wasn't qualified to be around, but Tina's going to be out late tonight." The annoyance was clear in her voice: she wanted to be included as much as Tina was.

______ looked sympathetic towards her. "I'm sorry, Queenie. Why don't they involve you as much as Tina?"

"She's higher up than me," Queenie shook her head and stood up, looking to change the subject before ______ asked any more questions about her work. "It's no big deal. Did something happen? What're you guys doing home so early? I thought you guys were going to be in town for a while."

______ fell silent and Newt looked at Queenie, trying to communicate a message to her and hoped that she was reading his mind, which she usually was. Something came up. I'm hoping to get ______ to open up to me to find out a little more about her and the situation, is the general message he was attempting to get across.

However, Queenie read it in a completely different way.

"Oh, well..." Queenie looked over and grabbed her handbag. "There's a few things I need to do in town, groceries and... things. I'm going to leave you two alone here for a while," she winked at Newt while ______'s eyes stuck to the ground.

Newt blushed lightly, but still enough to catch Queenie's attention. That's not the way I really meant it, he thought to himself, but was grateful Queenie got the general message to leave. "That's alright," Newt told her. "We'll be alright."

Queenie looked over to ______, who still hadn't said a word since she asked what had happened. She was really starting to worry, but she hoped that Newt would be able to get something out of her. In the meantime, Queenie had to figure out exactly what she was going to do while she was out of the house. The thought crossed her mind to go to Jacob's bakery. "I'll see you guys later tonight," Queenie told them, leaving moments later.

The room fell silent as Newt and ______ were left alone, and Newt had to think about how he was going to ask her what was on her mind. He took their food and set it down on the coffee table in front of the Goldstein's couch. "We should eat, it's been an eventful afternoon and you need to get some energy back in you," he told ______, gesturing to sit next to him. He had been worried about her since the second they left the café.

"Okay," she mumbled quietly and sat down next to Newt, quietly beginning to eat.

Silence hung heavy in the air before Newt took a deep breath and got to the heart of the matter: he was worried about her. "______, are you alright? You haven't been the same since we were in the café. I want to help you get your memory back, but I need to know more about what you can remember."

"I'm sorry," ______ said, taking Newt by surprise. He didn't expect her to apologize, she hadn't really done anything wrong. "It's just... hard to talk about what I remember when it's not exactly pleasant."

"You're starting to remember things?" Newt asked, curiosity overcoming him. "How much can you remember?"

"Not much. Not anything helpful, really. More like..." she thought about what they reminded her of. "Slivers of a conversation. Fragments of a bigger picture, and they all feel like they're connect to the same person."

"The person who wrote you that letter?" Newt asked, and she nodded. "Do you... know who he is or what the conversations were about?"

She went silent again for a moment, and Newt felt like he overstepped. Instead of answering, she took a few more bites of her food. Eventually, she began to speak again. "I don't know yet. All I know is whoever it is, it's probably for the best that I'm not around them anymore."

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