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Newt walked down the hall, knocking on the door of Tina and Queenie's room. He held the note in his hand, and so many thoughts kept rushing through his head.

Of course, he knew why someone would want his case. That much was obvious, but there were plenty more questions. How did they know he had the case full of magical beasts? How long have they been reading his letters? Just how much did they know about him? Are they dangerous?

Who are they? What did ______ mean to them?

Until ______ got her memory back, a lot of these questions were going to go unanswered. Yet, even if she got her memory back, there was no way to know if she would tell them anything. She had to know about magic, the letter gave away that much. She tried to steal his case! She could regain her memory and get out of there as quickly as possible.

There was no telling what she would do, but Newt so badly wanted to trust her. It wasn't based off anything he's seen, everything he's seen so far doesn't tell him much about what she's like. He just wants to trust her, it was a gut feeling, and he was slowly trying to convince himself why he should.

Before he could go further into his trail of thoughts, Tina answered the door, a nightgown on. Queenie stood behind her. "Oh, Newt," she began, a small, almost undetectable smile on her face.

It didn't take long for Queenie to read his mind. She did it impulsively, and once she did, she could detect two main things: worry and fear. "What's wrong honey?" she asked in a soothing voice.

"I was speaking with ______ in our room a minute ago," Newt began, almost pausing in the middle of his sentence. It was alright to call it their room, right? They were sharing it, it wasn't his and it wasn't hers. Yet saying it aloud, it sounded funnier than in his head. As if they shared everything. He shook his head and continued, holding up the letter. "And she told me she found this while showering. Just... read it."

Tina took the letter from his hand, unfolding it and reading its contents. Queenie read it from over her shoulder, and as soon as they saw the name of an Unforgivable Curse, they both went white as a sheet. Tina looked up from the letter, meeting Newt's eyes. "She... she knows about magic?"

"No," Newt told her. "She might have, but she doesn't remember it. She had no idea what the curse meant, the mention of it confused her. She doesn't remember who sent it, and she doesn't remember what's in my case. She was trying to find that out when she showed me this."

Tina ran a hand through her hair and exchanged a look with Queenie. This was a serious subject, and right now, Tina felt violated. Someone had been reading her and Newt's private letters. They knew about him, they knew about his case, she knew that he would contact her. Meanwhile, they knew nothing about this person. It was a huge privacy violation, and although she had no reason to, she felt embarrassed.

"Newt, I'm going to suggest something you're not going to like," Tina began. "But we should take this to MACUSA. We should let them know. Someone has been reading our mail, let a Muggle know about magic, and they plan on taking your case. We can take a wild guess and figure they don't plan on using it for good."

Newt scratched his head, looking away from her. He didn't really feel like making eye contact right now, especially when he felt pressured. He knew that would be the rational thing to do, but there were so many reasons he didn't want to do that. One of those reasons had to do with ______.

The first thing MACUSA would want to do is obliviate her. This letter proves she has knowledge of magic, and she's not supposed to. They would obliviate her in a heartbeat, but she already doesn't remember anything. Take away her memories of magic, and they don't know how much they could be taking away. Maybe just a few instances, and maybe more than a year's worth of memories. They have no way of knowing just how involved she is.

Thief For Hire || Newt Scamander x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang