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Not much later, they find themselves in line for the spinning teacups. This is when Crowley spots someone he had only met once, and months ago. Oh shit! He thinks, but acts fast. He quickly covers up his face with Aziraphale's giant prize, and turns to his angelic partner. "Angel, you remember how you ran into your replacement from Heaven a few months ago?" He asks in a hushed voice.

Aziraphale thinks for just a moment before recalling the incident. "Why yes, I do. What compels you to bring it up now?" he responds.

"Well I got replaced too, but my run in with them was not nearly as pleasant, and they're here now," Crowley explains, still hushed and hurriedly. "I can't let them see me!" He grabs Aziraphale by the wrist and pulls him out of line and under the tent of one of the nearby rides.

Aziraphale knows Crowley couldn't have done it on purpose, but he still can't help but blush a bit when he looks around inside the tent and notices the hearts displayed everywhere, the cheesy music playing, and it was the cupid swinging from above that really gave away where they were. The Tunnel of Love. Oh my lord, the angel thought, but he doesn't bring it up to his partner. He couldn't when Crowley was in this panicked state.

"Damn it," Crowley says. "The dickhead hit me with their car, of course I was gonna slash their tires. And the windshield was an accident!"

This was the last thing Aziraphale had wanted for them on their day of fun, and he knew that they couldn't just wait for the other demon to pass them, as they'd have to worry about avoiding them for the rest of the day. They needed a way to make Crowley's replacement leave. The angel tries his hardest to push aside the fact that he was stuck in The Tunnel of Love with his partner of a 6,000 year slow-burn, holding up the giant teddy bear said partner has just won for him, and begins to think up a plan.

Crowley, with one hand on his chin, and one hand in his hair, seems to be attempting to do the same.

Just as Aziraphale is getting into his thoughts and ideas are barely starting to form and somewhat make sense, he hears the bark of a dog, just on the other side of the tent. No, wait. That's not just a dog. That is Dog! With nearly no thought to what he was doing, he stuck his hand through the tent and yanked Adam inside the ride, Dog following him in. Crowley notices this, and turns to them.

"Antichrist! Perfect timing, we need your help," Crowley says to the boy. "Alright, there's an ugly looking person out there with long bleach blonde hair and several face tattoos. We need to get rid of them."

"What do you want me to do?" Adam asks, sounding slightly irritated at the interruption they've contributed to his day at the carnival.

Aziraphale's mind travels back to what alerted him to the kid in the first place, and he asks "Can your dog chase them off for us? Bite at their ankles, maybe?"

"Well of course, Dog does whatever I tell him to do. But what's in it for me?" Adam asks, crossing his arms with a mischievous smirk on his face.

"Kid, I stopped time for you like ten months ago, you owe me one!" Crowley tries to debate with him.

"I thought you stopped time for Aziraphale," he retorts, making both Crowley and Aziraphale blush a little bit. They know he's right.

"I'll buy you and your friends candy floss if you do it," Aziraphale offers up to him.

"Deal!" Adam exclaims, exiting the ride. It was only moments later that they heard a few scared yelps coming from a deep voice not far from them. "My deepest apologies!" Adam says to the person being attacked. "Dog here came from an abusive home. Something about you must remind him of his past owner." The leash gets 'accidentally' dropped, and Crowley sticks his head out of the tent in time to see the asshole attempting to sprint out of Dog's reach. He let's a big belly-laugh escape him at the sight, making Azirphale smile and get a few hearts in his eyes.

"That worked out well," Crowley thinks aloud. He places his arm gently around Azirphale's shoulders, making him melt, and offers to hold the bear prize for him while they wait in line.

Azirphale is certain at this point that his heart is going to explode after today.

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