and so

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Aziraphale thanks Crowley one last time for the truly splendid book, and Crowley huffs at him. "You're welcome," he mumbles.

But Crowley isn't ready to go back to the quietness their rides typically hold, not after such a big exchange between them. " you really think Heaven and Hell are gonna leave us alone now?" He asks. He knows it's a heavy question, but he also knows that Aziraphale's answer may relieve him of the heaviness that's been on his shoulders.

"Well..." Aziraphale says, but then he starts thinking. After a moment or so, he continues with "Considering we have both been replaced, I don't see a reason for either of them to try and contact us individually ever again. Maybe for 'the big one' they'll ask if we're siding with Earth, but I think we're..." the angel's face revealed he was thinking up his next words carefully. "In the clear."

Neither of them realized the significance those words had on one another as they continue the conversation. "So Anathema," Crowley says "Her and Newt babysits those four kids?"

"I guess so," Aziraphale says. "Weren't they all just so nice? Wendsleydale especially."

"Adam is a bit of a brat though, ain't he?" Crowley jokes. "With that whole 'what's in it for me' crap."

"I thought that was quite humorous now that it's all over and done with."

"Humorous is when Dog bit that dickhead in the arse."

"I missed that, unfortunately," Aziraphale chuckled. "They're good humans though; I say we keep them."

Crowley laughed at the joke, knowing damn well that they're already going to fight to the ends of the earth to save humanity when it comes down to it. But his smile starts to fade as they pull up to the book shop. He knows it's time to say goodbye. He's pushed every limit today, took too many steps forward at once, and that it was probably best to slow down as to not "go too fast." (Yes, it's been 6,000 years. Yes, there's nothing holding them back now. But Crowley's a gentleman, alright?) And though this makes him sad, he knows that today opened up many possibilities for the future and that him and his angel were closer than ever. "Well it's late, and I'm sure you've got things to do." He says.

Aziraphale is about to get out of the car when he looks back down at the book. So he offers his friend something he hasn't ever offered at this late of an hour. "Crowley...would you care to join me for a bottle of wine? You've done a lot for me today: helping me with my outfit, letting me drag you to Tadfield, winning me a stuffed animal and...well, now this lovely book? Just one bottle," he says, looking at Crowley. His eyes, he knew, held a tension and suspense that neither of them could place. "It's the least I could do."

Crowley, first, wanted to go into a rant about 'No Angel, thank YOU for giving me such a great day and blah blah blah it was perfect and the way you comforted me on the ferris wheel blah blah'...but he ended up just taking the offer. He took the key out of the ignition and replied "If you insist."

So they enter the shop and waste no time getting drunk. Especially Crowley whose nerves were getting worse by the minute for the first half of his time in there, worrying he would say the wrong thing, making him want to drink more. But he was clearly past that point when he sat almost upside down in Aziraphale's office chair, slurring his words and stumbling over his own train of thought while he rambled about how damn UGLY centipedes are.

All of this is of course extremely entertaining to the tipsy Aziraphale, which of whom is actually laughing for once. Laughing at how drunk Crowley is getting, how neither of them are making sense, and that is when Crowley sits up to take another swig from his glass. This is also when the demon, absentmindedly, not even realizing he's said it outloud stated softly into the emptiness of the bookshop "I love you, Aziraphale."

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