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As every day does, this one seemed to be coming to an end. The sky was turning into a big purple bruise, and the lights of the carnival were beginning to turn on. Azirphale and all of his friends met up at a bench to discuss how much longer they all would be staying. Brian promises Anathema and Newt that they only had a few more tickets left to spend, and that the line for the giant rollercoaster by the name of Death Metal had finally died down enough for them to have a chance of riding it.

"Fine, just the one more ride then. But you better hope that you four are done by sundown; I told your parents I'd have you back by curfew." Anathema tells them.

"Death Metal, is it?" Crowley asked the kids. "That's the name?"

They told him he was correct, and then ran off to get in line before it was too late.

"What do you say to that one, Angel?" Crowley asks Azirphale with a head-tilt of interest at the idea. He knew it wasn't really his companion's speed, but he thought after all the unusual and new things from today, he just might say yes.

"Oh, uh," Aziraphale looks over in the distance just in time to see an unstable cart speeding down the arched hill of the ride in question. "I think...I'll have to sit out on that one if you'd like to go."

"Anathema and I were just about to get in line for the ferris wheel if either of you would like to join us. Aziraphale?" Newt asks them.

Aziraphale doesn't know what he wants to do, and just looks around the place awkwardly for a second. But Crowley answers for the both of them.

"You know what? Ferris wheel sounds like the perfect way to end the night, thanks Newt," the demon says taking his angel's hand. They get in line behind their friends, but don't quite make it onto the ride. There were just enough seats to provide for everyone in line up to Newt and Anathema, leaving Crowley and Aziraphale to wait in line for another spin of the wheel.

"I suppose that worked out," Crowley says, taking the bear from Azirphale and slinging it over his shoulder by it's plush arm. "Now we can have those two hold this thing for us during our turn." He gestures to the unnecessarily large bear.

Aziraphale hummed happily in response, very aware of the way his fingers were intertwined with Crowley's. "Did you have fun today?" He asked his partner.

"Yeah, I believe I did. Lots we did, today. Lots of lines though, too."

"You're not wrong about that."

Aziraphale doesn't remember any of the other lines for rides taking so long. The two of them both next up, Crowley's hand in his. However nice it felt to hold hands with the demon, Aziraphale couldn't help but want a little more. He inched towards Crowley until their shoulders were touching, and then rested his head on his friend's shoulder. And maybe it was just the lights of the fair, but were Crowley's ears becoming red at this? Either way, he let the angel rest his head there, and didn't give a single sign of discomfort.

Because It felt nice. For both of them.

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