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It's not until a few months later, in fact, that they are back to their usual buddy-buddy selves. They realize that they may have even gone a small step further than what they had before by this time, when Aziraphale admits to the demon for the first time, that he likes having him around. Then, furthermore, that the reason he likes having him around is because despite liking his books, and food, and strolls, he gets bored from time to time. "Bored?" Crowley asks. "If you're bored, we could go do something new. Something fun! What do you say?"

Aziraphale smiles, but it quickly fades as his creativity leaves him and he can't think up anything for the two of them to do. "Where would we go, and what would we do?" He asks.

Crowley looks at his watch. "Well, it's only 2 o'clock, so..." he thinks for a moment, looking up at the ceiling of the store as if their options were already written there. But they weren't, and Crowley never did much these days either. "Ah, I'm drawing a blank here. Call that witch friend of yours and see what there's to do!" He suggests playfully to Aziraphale, nudging his friend's shoulder with his elbow.

"Her name is Anathema! Anathema Device," he says back to his friend, rolling his eyes at him, but also in a playful way. "But that's certainly not a bad idea," he says smiling at Crowley, a small sparkle of excitement now in his eyes. He picks up his phone, and gives Anathema a ring. She picks up after a few moments, and sounds delighted to speak to him again. "Yes, we were gonna go to the carnival here in just a few hours! You two feel free to come join us."

Aziraphale, with more excitement welling up in his chest responds with "Oh, really?" He asks, smiling.

"Sure!" She tells him. "They set up right at the front of town, you can't miss it."

They say their goodbyes, see you soons, and Aziraphale turns to Crowley and tells him the good news. "We're going to a carnival!"

Crowley is quiet for a moment before replying "...A what?"

Aziraphale, however, is not discouraged by his partner's hesitation. He knows it's too late to tell him no, and that Crowley was not getting out of this. They were going to do something new. Something fun! And they were gonna do it together. Aziraphale was determined to get Crowley in the sun, in a good mood, and make him enjoy himself a bit for once in ways that didn't include starting online debates in comment sections and mismatching people's socks. So, he smiles brightly, and simply responds: "A carnival! In Tadfield."

Crowley's sunglasses slide down the bridge of his nose as his mouth hangs open just a bit. He sighs, tilts his head back against the top of the couch where he had been sitting and said "Alright. Better get out of those clothes then, Angel."

Aziraphale didn't understand what he meant, and blushed ever so slightly. "...What?" He asks.

"It's too many layers!" he proclaims, sitting his head back up. "You'll die in this Summer heat if we're gonna be outside for hours at a time."


"Try to hurry though, will you? We've gotta go back to my place so I can change too."

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