♦️ Chapter 39 || Wait Whatttttt? ♦️

Start from the beginning

When I say "No" and "Get away from me" they come out as little hushes that are barely audible.

Milo slowly turns into Liam. My legs give way causing me to collapse to my knees.

Milo immediately stops and the two of them rush to my side. I cover my hands with my face to hide the tears that started to roll down my cheek.

"I can't do this," I say breathlessly.

Audrey puts her hand on my back, "You can do anything, Nicole."

I shake my head and wipe my tears, "No. I couldn't do it. I couldn't..."

"What do you mean?" Milo says as he comforts me.

I fearfully sigh as I begin to cry some more, "Liam... he almost... I couldn't protect myself..."

Audrey wraps her arms around me, "Awe honey."

She soon lets go of me, wipes away my tears, and says, "Self-defense isn't easy. Doing them here and out there are two completely different things. I won't lie and say it's easy because it's not. You are not alone," she paused, "I started teaching because I was abused and assaulted several times. It took me years... and I mean years to defend for myself. I wanted to teach everyone the tactics I learned so this would never happen to anyone else."

She looks me in the eye and continues, "But there is a second part that I don't usually get to teach. Self-defense is not just physical but it is also mental. Your perpetrator may attack you physically but some start to work on you mentally. They do this so you give up, stop fighting and let them win. You need to be both strong mentally and physically and to not let anyone get to you."

"How?" I ask.

"This you must learn on your own. You need to find it within yourself. Find confront your fear, don't run from it," She hugs me again, "Loving yourself is the first step."

She gives me a reassuring smile and I smile back.

"I want to give it another go," I say as I stand back up.

Audrey and Milo reply simultaneously, "Are you sure?"

I nod.

We pick up where we left off, same as the last time except this time I wasn't going to lose.

"Alright go ahead," Audrey gives us a thumbs up to start.

"I said get on the f***ing bed!"


"Did I f***ing stutter? Get on the bed now!" He steps closer and I step back.

"Get out of my dorm!" I shout.

"I'm not going anywhere till I get what I want," He says as he advances on me.

"No!" I shout as I strike the part of the helmet representing his eyes.

"You little-" He shouts unfazed and wraps his arms around me so I am unable to leave.

I try to squirm out but it's no use. I take a deep breath and pivot slightly so I can strike him where his 'family jewels' would be. Once I do so his knees buckle allowing me to knee him straight in the face so that he topples over and I can run right out of the 'dorm' and get help.

Audrey applauds, "Much better! How did that feel?"

I nod with a laugh, "Better but I'm still scared to death. Milo are you sure you're not an actor that was terrifying my heart is still racing."

He takes off his protective helmet and bodysuit, "It has to be, the real thing will be worse."

"I know," I say with a sigh.

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