Chapter 15 - Ariadne Maciel

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A sharp hiss echoes through the air before you yawn, bringing your hands above your head and letting your tense muscles relax as you stretch out in the comfort of your bed.

Moving your toes effortlessly, you hear faint cracking of your sleepy joints as they spring back to life, causing a light chuckle to reverberate through you. Feeling this rested became a luxury for you so you cherish every single moment of it.

You finally let your eyes open, but not before you rub the sleep away and yawn some more. You just really don't want to go back to reality right now.

The doors sliding open snaps you out of your sluggish stirring and you immediately turn your head towards the nurse who walks inside. As she gets closer to you, you blink confusingly and glance around you, realising where you are.

It's the intensive care unit. What are you doing here? And how do you know that the nurse will die in approximately twenty years by a stroke? Ah, you're still feeling drowsy, just shrug it off.

You try to sit up and open your mouth to ask the nurse what you're doing in a hospital bed, but she prevents you from doing so when she screams at you from the top of her lungs and gives it her all to keep you in place.

"What's wrong with you? Let me go!" You try to push her off, your eyes wandering over her terrified expression. She shakes her head vigorously, her eyes widening so much you start thinking they'll pop out of their sockets.

Is she out of her fucking mind? How can she try and move like that? Jesus, she's quite strong for someone who was literally on their deathbed minutes prior.

You breathe in deeply before you let your arms fall next to your body, succumbing to her intense stare. "You were in the OR less than an hour ago, the doctor said you were completely done for! Do not move a muscle, you need to heal!"

What the fuck is she talking about?

You remain silent as she checks up on you, digging through your memory and trying to recollect your thoughts. The last thing you remember is the rain and a sudden flash of bright lights before you were sent into oblivion.

Were you hit by a car? Not possible, you'd be in severe pain and you'd probably have some broken bones, maybe even worse injuries when you take the speed of the vehicle into the equation.

You clear your throat since it's still feeling tight due to your sleepy state, your curious glance flickering towards the nurse. "Can you tell me what happened? And where's Dr Kim?"

"You were hit by a car a couple of hours ago and underwent urgent surgery. You fractured your pelvis and also had several traumatic aortic disruptions as well as pneumothorax. I have no idea how you managed to survive."

She cocks her head to the side as she analyses your vitals, obviously confused by what she's seeing.

What's all this about? I've never seen anything like it before. Her vitals are good, but there's something really strange about them. Is it maybe her guardian angel that's looking over her? Gabriel, Raphael?

Can one you please tell my guardian to stop laughing at my misery and fucking come and help me?! I've been praying every single day and all of you freaking know it!

Her brows tie into a knot as she lets out a questioning hum. "Who is Dr Kim by the way? Your vitals are also very confusing."

She must be joking right now. You've seen her in the hospital before swooning over the same man she's asking you about, there's no way she doesn't know who he is.

You scoff at her as your mouth pops open, trying to catch her confused eyes. "How do you not know who Dr Kim is? Kim Taehyung, hospital's heartthrob? Rings a bell? Wait, who operated on me then?"

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