"I'm a lot older than your Five. But I still remember everything Vanya. Believe me, Five from this time is doing everything to get back home again." Five says and I know he means it.

"That means that the other Five is stuck?" Vanya's eyes widen. She looks horrified after putting the dots together.

Five sighs and nods afterwards. "I can't tell more. I'm sorry. But he will come back, just like I did." He tells his sister.

"He better does." A sad smile pops onto Vanya's lips "Bye."

I send her a kind and thankful smile. "Bye Vanya." I tell the girl. The next time that this Vanya is going to see me is when I throw Five into her wall. A smile appears on my lips and I chuckle with the thought.

"Are you ready to go back to your time and to save the world once again?" Five asks and I can't help but to stare into his eyes. There's a twinkle in them and my smile widens a little when I keep looking at the adorable twinkles.

I didn't forgot about the apocalypse but I didn't think about having to save everyone and everything again because the commission found someone new to cause the apocalypse. That someone needs our help to control his or her new powers. I know how terrifying it is and I hope that they know that they aren't alone.

"yes." I answer without a doubt. Let's save the world and humanity.

Five grabs my hand and the familiar blue light appears again. When I open my eyes again, we are standing in front of the umbrella academy again. The one I recognize as the one in the year 2019.

"Let's look for the new person that's supposed to cause the apocalypse. Remember, this version of me hasn't kidnapped you yet so he can't see us." Five says, ready to start.

"Wait." I hold him back with my hand "Can we please go inside first? I want to talk to someone."

I leave out the part where I should tell him that I tried to change the timeline. I need to talk to Klaus now and see if it worked.

My curiosity takes over and I free Five's hand and walk up to the door. Before I walk in, I force myself to think about what I might see in there. If I really changed the time line, then I will be relieved that Klaus didn't go down that very dark path. But if I didn't change the time line, I'll have to act like nothing happened.

My hand slowly pushes the door open and I walk in. Please Klaus. Please don't be drunk.

A familiar face welcomes me and a smile immediately pops onto my face. "Pogo! Hey!" I smile, happy that he's the one that I'm seeing first.

"Hello miss?" He frowns "Should I know you?"

"You're joking?" I ask Pogo with a small chuckle "I'm y/n. Wait.. Where are the others?"

I'm truly surprised that Pogo, the one who always gave me wise advice, doesn't seem to recognize me. It might be him getting older but I'm not allowed to think that way. Pogo isn't as young as he was when I got lost in time but he isn't old either.

Five hasn't made an appearance yet and I'm hoping that he'll stay outside. I need to look into this on my own. I need to find Klaus.

"I believe that Vanya and Diego left after Mr. Hargreeves' funeral. Luther and Allison are upstairs and Klaus is asleep on the seat." Pogo says with a kind smile upon her face.

I quickly thank him and then walk into the living room. There he is. . laying on the seat in his underwear. I roll my eyes when I spot a bottle laying on the floor.

"Klaus?" I say, wanting him to wake up. Maybe he's too drunk to actually listen to what I'm going to say but I can try. I raise my voice as I say his name again and this time his eyes flutter open.

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