I shrugged my shoulders opened the menu. "She got what she deserved. She's here to serve not to judge people on their appearances."

My eyes widened slightly as I looked at the prices of each dish. I mentally calculated. I could get like hundred chocolates with the price of one dish here.

I looked at him with wide eyes as he pulled the menu from my hands. "What?"

He smirked and put his hand over mine. "How about we just skip to the dessert?" I looked at him confused. "With the way you talked to her, turned me on."

I looked at him in disgust and tried to free my hand. "Leave my hand." I winced as his grip tightened. But he didn't care.

I should've listened to Isaac.

"I bet you like rough and fast. C'mon lets go at the back alley a---"

I gasped as someone threw a punch at him, knocking him off the chair.


I looked at the owner of the voice with wide eyes. Ace was by my side while Isaac and Darius were busy throwing punches at Nick.

Several gasps were heard. And soon the manager and the other staff came running and tried to stop the brawl. The manager tried to stop them but nothing worked and then he finally called the security.

"You son of a bitch!" Isaac growled as he threw Nick on the ground.

My eyes widened and I put my hands over my mouth as Darius climbed over the already injured Nick and began to punch him while Isaac kicked him.

I turned to face Ace. "Please stop this! They're gonna kill him!"

He looked at me with a serious face. I've never seen Ace this serious before. I was honestly taken aback.

He nodded his head and walked over the guys. I winced as I saw some blood on the ground.

Where the heck is the darn security?!

"Okay. Guys, that's enough. You'll kill him." He first removed Isaac. But it was hard to remove Darius.

I watched in horror as he held Nick up from his collar and then decked him. He was like a man on a bloody mission.

I watched him carefully as he hit Nick. Its like he knew which point to hit to make Nick hurt the most. I've watched most of Addy's fights. I got know which place to hit to hurt the opponent.

"Yeah! That's my fucking man!"

I turned to Ace and glared at him but he was too busy being a bloody cheerleader. I began to make my way towards the brawl but was immediately held back by a wide eyes Ace. "What are you doing?! Let me stop him!"

"You're fucking crazy if you think you can stop him. And everyone's enjoying Darius beating the shit out of that dick."

I looked at him with bewilderment. "Are you bloody serious?!"

He rolled his eyes. "Okay fine! But you stay beside me and let Isaac handle these two fuckers."

Isaac called Darius but he didn't listen. "Hey, man. His shit face is fucked up. Now lets go before something happen."

When Darius didn't listen. Again. Isaac sighed then went behind him and grabbed him from his waist and began to carry him outside.

My jaw dropped the floor at the scene happening just before me. Ace burst in laughter. Darius cursed as he struggled to get out of Isaac's hold while Isaac was....I guess also cursing.

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