13-≿As the world falls apart≾ Frank

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"And what do you mean by that?"

"I mean that you're having a big loss and no profit."

"What are you talking about?" I furrow my eyebrows, throwing my hands on the air. "Are you dumb, Taylor? Have you never learned how to count? Because I'll be perfectly okay if you don't."

Taylor closes his eyes for a moment, pressing his lips together as he inhales, adjusting himself on the chair. "Iero, I'm not sure if you're aware of the situation-"

"I'm aware of what's happening and you're the idiot one here." I say pressing my index finger against the desk's surface. "We've lost about fifty men since you started making decisions and what did I say about it? Don't fucking decide things before contacting me! I guess you're asking to have your throat slit while you sleep!"

"Frank, you're not understanding-"

"Shut up! I'm the leader here and didn't choose you as the strategist for a reason, alright? Do what you've got to do because the rest is none of your business." I glare at him, trying to express that I'm deadly serious about the subject and waiting for his reaction.

"But I'm saying we're not having enough profit." He insists and I roll my eyes, sighing. "Do you sir want to come and see by yourself?"

"What do I need to see by myself? Money getting in? I won't even be able to count it."

"I mean, if you're doubting so much, you should see the official registers." He says incredibly calm - what somewhat annoys me even more. I twist my mouth lightly, shooting him another look look, but it doesn't seem to affect him. "C'mon, you'll be able to check by yourself and do something about it." He suggests and I sigh, nodding. Hopefully he'll disappear for at least a week after that.

"Alright, alright."

"Can it be now?" He asks. I scratch the back of my head, stressed, but eventually agree. Taylor shows a smile and stands up. "I can drive us there."

"Just let me take someone with us..." I mutter standing up too and walking towards the door.

"No, no." Taylor says before I'm able to shout for any of the men. "The less attention we attract the better, hm? And it's not like the area has any risk or something."

I look at Taylor, trying to understand all of this. Whatever, it's been a time since I don't go to Taylor's place to check everything, so...


We walk inside the mansion and it's already noticeable the how everyone changes their posture as soon as they see me. They seem more serious. I hope they're like this as usual - even tho I know they aren't.

"Okay, so..." Taylor slowly turns around, raising a gun and pointing it to me. "Hands up, Iero." The whole room continues working, as if nothing was happening there. Some people stood up and left, but everyone remained calm, contrasting with the situation's real tension.

I freeze instantly, widening my eyes at him and trying to find out what are his intentions. The man has a sick smile on as he points the Smith and Wesson at me. Slowly, I start raising my hands, but stop midway, turning around to run out of there, since we're just a few feet away from the front door. I'd have gotten to do it if I hadn't met with two of his subordinates impeding me to make my way there. Pressing my lips together, I raise my hands up completely while turning back around. Motherfucker.

"I bet that you're regretting not listening to your precious (y/n) on this moment." He breaks a proud grin. - Bingo. I am.

"What do you want with that, Taylor?" I ask through gritted teeth. The anger begins to sink in after the shock fades away. - Ugh, (y/n) was right the whole time and I even kicked her out. I'm such an idiot, honestly. She knew it all, tried to explain me; however, I didn't even give her a chance to speak. And I can't believe Taylor was the traitor the whole fucking time. How could he be so convincing? He's smart and patient. Five years. He waited five years just for the exact moment. I guess she was right in another point - I need to know how to listen and observe more and better.

Trust Issues | Frank Iero x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ