1-≿In the middle of a gun fight≾ (Y/n)

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Run. - It's everything I need to think about now; run without bumping nor falling.

I mean, it's quite an injustice to run after someone who stole food for their own good. If at least there were centers of help to people who need food... but no, and the riches and merchants do what they can to keep the goods for them and just them.

As soon as I have the opportunity, I enter in an alley that leads to another street, hoping I'll lose, between one of its two turns, the policemen and the establishment owner that run after me.

Fortunately, I'm able to, but as soon as I'm five steps out of the alley, the sound of gunshots make me hide behind a car for security.

Hell, I should've known. - It's usual for the gangs to keep confronting themselves every once in a while- well, everyday, practically. That's why you need to check everywhere you go, so you won't end up like me now.

The whole city is taken by the mafia - apart from some rich people, but there remain some doubts about them. - The families have at least one person that's a gang member, there're the riches plus all the establishments' owners and even the police have a connection with the mafia. Yes, knowing this last fact, it makes stealing more dangerous for me, however, I have no other choice. When any gang comes after me, I just disappear for a time before returning.

There's a minority - thieves and poor people like me. The part of the society that's despised by the rest. Ones who either die from hunger or die stealing. And it also exists this tenth of them, who are sly enough to steal and not get caught, like me.

After calming down, I dare to take a look at the situation. It's a classic confront - suited men wearing fedoras and with fancy guns shooting at themselves because of some stupid reason, probably someone was killed or something stolen and maybe a private information leaked.

I hear a small cry and, in the middle of the gun fight, I see a young boy, frightened. - Shit! Are them cruel enough to let a small child in the middle of all this mess? I need to do something about it.

Quickly, I shove all the stolen food inside my bag and wait until there's a small pause to run and get the boy in my arms. The thing is: as soon as I stand up, the shots begin again and I run the faster I can to behind the car I was.

The boy continues crying and I put him down, hugging him in an attempt to calm him down. "Shh, shh, it's okay." I try to block the gunshots sound the most I can.

Felt like it was going to last forever, but, finally, the gunshots ceased with the sound of a car driving away.

I pull away from the boy - who isn't crying anymore - and look down at him. He is probably from a rich family, considering his expensive clothes and well maintained, clear skin. Presumably one of the mafia member's son.

"What's your name?" I ask him and he hesitates a bit.


Looking up to check around, I see that a gang is still there. "Be careful, Miles." I smile ruffling the boy's hair and stand up, running away again. It's not today that they'll get me.


Weird. I'm walking down the streets, not even hiding myself, and no one's running after me or even staring.

Brushing off the thoughts, I slowly approach a market, analyzing what and how I can steal. There are a few fruits and bread on the stand right out of the building. Of course there're people and employees around, but I'll be able to get everything I want if I'm lucky and fast enough.

When I see it is emptier than earlier around the stand, I start running and grab a couple of fruits and three baguettes, just stopping when I turn and enter in an alley.

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