Chapter 39: Terrible Day

Start from the beginning

It didn't take much to out two and two together about what had happened the night before.

"Shit." He mumbled, stumbling out of bed and scrambling to get his clothes back on. What about Taehyung?

Guilt began to creep inside Jungkook. He was terrible. Even after his boyfriend had been through so much.

Why was Jungkook such a self absorbed asshole?

Glancing to his left, Jungkook spotted a mirror and cringed at his reflection. His hair was a mess, he had dark circles under his eyes. His skin was extremely pale...helping the hickies on his neck stand out even more.

The multiple small bruises littered his neck, the hues of purple, red and blue were prominent.

"Fuck!" He cursed, looking away from the mirror and pulling his hair in distress.

As soon as the boy had his clothes, he searched the room for his phone. He, finally, spotted it somewhere across the room, laying carelessly by the wall.

He checked to see if he had missed any texts or calls, to realize that his phone was dead.


Without turning to glance at the sleeping girl in the messy, foul smelling bed, Jungkook slammed the door and made his was through whoever's house this was.

The entire house reeked of sex and alcohol, people laying askew through the halls and floors. Empty red, plastic cups littered the path as Jungkook walked.

He gagged, feeling nauseous as his head began to pound even stronger. He really fucking hated hangovers.

Jungkook refused to think about the night before. He refused to think of Taehyung, as he only felt guilt.

As he left the house, Jungkook didn't know what he would say to his boyfriend when he arrived home. Would Taehyung accuse him? Would Tae let it go?

He felt awful.

And, as Jungkook neared his car, he felt vomit rise at the back of his throat. Stumbling towards the nearest bush, he hurled. All the alcohol he had drank before crashed to the ground.

Revolted by the lasting taste in his mouth, Jungkook entered his car and drove away.

He knew today was going to be a rather shitty day.
Taehyung's POV:

"Hey hyung?" Nari called, Taehyung hummed a response.

The fifteen year old girl placed a shoe box in front of him, clasping both her hand together and forming a small pout.

"I was wondering..."

"What is it?" Tae raised a brow. "Should I be concerned?"

Nari laughed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Taehyung couldn't help but admire her looks. Now that summer was approaching, there was the faintest hint of freckles beginning to appear on her rosy cheeks.

"It's not another food experiment." She chuckled airily. "Instead, I was hoping..." she opened the shoe box to reveal mini bottles of nail polish. Her hands clasped together once again and she widened her eyes, jutting her bottom lip out to give her the slightest resemblance of a puppy. "If I could paint your nails?"

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