Chapter 15: Mrs. Heins

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"Fuck every single one of you." Yoongi declared as soon as he found the rest of their text group chat (The Avocado Rolls) in the same detention.

"Except for you Hoseok and Jimin, because you both were actually good." The blonde said, gaze softening when he saw his boyfriend and the orange haired sitting side by side a few desks away from where he stood.

"Hey babe." Hoseok skipped over to Yoongi, Jimin following.

Taehyung sat at a desk a bit farther away, trying to sleep since he was still tired.

Namjoon and Jungkook were continuing their fight over whether the earth was flat or not at the back of the room, both ready to fight to the death to prove their point.

No one else except for the three boys had been put in detention, meaning they had the whole class to themselves. For now.

A few minutes passed and Taehyung has successfully gone to sleep, letting out soft snores as his head rested against the desk.

Jimin, Yoongi and Hoseok were chatting happily about the laser tag tomorrow.

And Namjoon had wrestled Jungkook into a choke hold in his final attempt to knock some sense into the flat-earther.

A cough came from the classroom doorway and the five awake students turned to face a strict woman who stood in the doorway, all of their faces going white.

"I'm Mrs. Heins, your supervisor for this detention." She said, her voice monotone, her gaze cold as she stood straight with her thin lips pursed.

"Weren't there supposed to be six of you?" She asked, only seeing five boys standing.

All of them looked around until their gaze landed on Taehyung, he slept soundly across the classroom.

Jungkook, who had been released from Namjoon's choke hold as soon as Mrs. Heins had entered the class, quickly made his way over to the sleeping boy to wake him up.

Jungkook quickly took in the sleeping boy's expression, all he could think about was how cute he truly was. But as soon as he rested a palm on his shoulder to wake him up, Taehyung's snores stopped and he jumped, making the desk move forward and wobble before becoming stable again.

"Sorry!" Taehyung said quickly out of habit.

"It's fine, Mr....." Taehyung cleared his throat.

"It's alright Mr Kim, just don't fall asleep again." Her gaze made Taehyung feel uneasy.

Looking towards the other boys, she began to walk into the room and at the front of classroom. "Take a seat."

The six of them all gulped. The quiet teacher seemed scary, that's for sure.

Mrs. Heins did, indeed, look extremely uptight. Her dark hair in a tight bun, black irises scanning the students as if they were experiments more than actual kids. There were wrinkles in her forehead, but no smile marks or creases around her eyes or mouth, instead a slight frown and bags underneath her eyes.

She didn't look to welcoming to be honest. And all the boys thought that too.

"I don't put up with troublemakers." She started when the boys had all settled down (and woken up, in Taehyung's case.)

"Troublemakers don't do good in life." She said, and a few of the boys got nervous, knowing this was aimed at them (*cough* Jungkook).

"So I insist you all hand me your phones, as we will be doing an activity instead of scrolling through social media or doing useless buzz feed quizzes." The room was silent for a moment as she searched for a bright pink bin, which the boys then had to go up one by one and sadly drop their phones into.

"Thank you." She nodded to all of them before placing the pink box on her desk. "Now I was thinking we could all...."

She trailed off for a moment and the boys began to worry. Would she give them a bad punishment? What if they had to go clean the bathrooms or aid the janitors? It's a high school, the place is bound to be disgusting. Or what if they had to go and-

"Bake cookies in the Cooking Ed. Room!" She exclaimed as she smiled. She fucking smiled.

The boys were taken aback. The seemingly uptight new teacher in front of them was...smiling??

She revealed a bright smile, showing off her perfect teeth.

The room was silent.

"Are you serious?" Jimin asked, actually excited.

"Well, I'm friends with the cooking teacher and she gave me permission to take you all in there. So many kids don't know how to cook anymore, it's sad. Macaroni isn't what you should last off of for the rest of your life." Jimin smiled and Hoseok squealed.

Taehyung didn't know what to say. It has been forever ago that he had baked. And the last time he had baked with his mother.

The memory of her with the rope around her neck flashed his memory and Taehyung quickly shut his eyes, clenching his fists as he forced it to disappear to the back of his head again before he felt sick.

"Why not?" Namjoon chuckled and Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Baking sounds lame." He said bluntly and Mrs. Heins glared at him.

"Would you rather scratch all the gum off the cafeteria tables instead? That can be arranged." She said, smirking at how fast Jungkook shook his head.

"Never mind! I- uh- baking sounds like a cool idea!" Jungkook just really did not want to clean up dried pieces of chewed gum from other students' mouths.

"Then let's go bake!" Mrs. Heins clapped her hands together, still smiling widely before skipping out of the classroom, leaving the boys to follow her.

They shot each other confused glances before shrugging and walked down the hall towards the Cooking Ed. room.

This was certainly going to be a detention to remember.

Mrs. Heins is actually inspired from an old teacher of mine, lol. I just finished my homework and, seriously, all my schoolwork is in French, so my brain is slightly meted from everything I had to do. This was just a filler chapter for the actual Baking Class, but I'm looking forward to writing it! Have a nice rest do your day everyone! 💜💜💜

 This was just a filler chapter for the actual Baking Class, but I'm looking forward to writing it! Have a nice rest do your day everyone! 💜💜💜

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