Chapter 28: Kiss And Make Up

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💜Happy Birthday, Tae!!💜

"Nari...?" He asked, at the same time she purged once more.
Taehyung's POV:

The fifteen year old sat in front of the toilet, clutching her stomach as she vomited into the toilet, but as soon as she heard Tae's voice, her head snapped up.

Taehyung felt his, already damaged, heart crack at the sight. Her wide, frightened eyes locked with his and the boy's mouth went dry.

"What are....what are you doing?" Taehyung asked, though he already knew the answer. The silver haired just refused to accept it.

Silence took over the bathroom as Nari quietly cried, looking away from Taehyung as if she was ashamed of her actions. Tae was in disbelief.

"Nari, look at me." The silver haired said softly, but the teenage girl refused to turn her head, sniffling. "Nari."

Finally, she turned her head and Tae felt himself soften as he suddenly came forward and hugged her, letting her cry in his shoulder.

Taehyung, then, understood and a few pieces fell into place.

She had always seemed small, with a height of around 5'2" and a tiny frame, her limbs thin and her body just the definition of petite and fragile.

No wonder she was so small if she... if she always did this.

"Nari..." Taehyung spoke up after a few moments of quiet between the two. "Do you do this a lot?" His voice was soft, with a hint of concern.

Nari seemed hesitant at first and she didn't respond verbally, instead she nodded in his shoulder and Tae gulped.


So Nari was bulimic.

Anger surged through his veins suddenly as he held the shaking girl. Taehyung felt waves of rage. Not at Nari, but towards her older brother, Jongwoo.

He had told her to stop eating so much earlier. Was he the reason she did this?

Having to cool down, Tae kept his voice calm as he asked;

"What's encouraging you to do this?" His voice was steady and relax, but inside the boy was ready to kill Jongwoo. He never was angered easily, n'or did he make rash decisions, but boy oh boy was Tae ready to punch Nari's brother.

Nari sniffled before mumbling something that Taehyung couldn't catch.


She muttered it a bit louder, but, again, Tae didn't hear.

"Please speak up."

She coughed and wiped her nose before looking into Taehyung's chocoate irises with her teary eyes.

"Kids at school, Jongwoo, Mum and Dad...." She trailed off, but now Taehyung knew who he would add to his hit list.

Nari broke into tears again.

"Shh," The silver haired held her close as she sobbed, wetting his shirt with her salty tears. "It's okay. But let's work on eating, okay?"

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