The entire room turns to pin-drop silence and I become vaguely aware of Nurse Hampton putting what feels like a solid band of ice around my left arm.

Five seconds later, I'm out.

. . .

I wake up gasping for breath, eyes flying open at the shock of being conscious once again. I reach to push my hair back, seeing that it has been taken down, but find that I can't as I have an IV sticking out of my left arm.

I look up, expecting to find saline, but instead find what appears to be blood and has another line sticking into the top of it, a steady trickle of the viscous liquid pouring into what's already in the bag. That doesn't seem right... 

"Oh shit, you're awake," Kai says around a mouthful of food. I finally notice he's sitting in the chair in the corner of my room. "They said the smell of the cookies might wake you."

He's surrounded by bottles of water, cookies, and fruits. The sight of the cookies he had lamented having to give up for football causes me to frown.

Intuitively, I follow the trail of the other Line connected to the IV bag, and I'm actually surprised I'm right. The other IV line is sticking out of Kai's arm and appears to be constantly drawing his blood.

Again I frown, this can't be medically safe. "Nurse," I croak, my voice cracking from underuse.

He doesn't call out for Nurse Hampton, but he does get up to give me some of his water. I sip greedily from the bottle, the overwhelming sensation of my thirst causing me to realize that I no longer feel like a human ice pop.

"How long?" 

"Just about twelve hours. We missed classes and tryouts were postponed again." Kai offers the information easily, without prompt, and I press my eyes closed as I take it in. It's hardly been two weeks at the school and I already—did he say we?


Kai nods, "Well when you were sick, you needed my blood to keep you alive. I'm sort of like your anti-vampire hero at the moment."

I feel my lips crack into a crooked smile, but don't encourage, nor do I dissuade his statement. I tug lightly on my hand with a needle sticking out of it. 

I lift my hand, wondering why I hadn't seen the dark color of the IV when I initially looked at it. "What's with the uh... the blood?"

Kai shifts in his seat as if unsure how to answer my question and is saved as a door opens, causing me to realize for the first time that we are in a hospital, and not the Nurse's station.

"Ah, Miss Gold," the doctor, an older male who if not for his pure white hair, I would assume is only in his late thirties greets me before nodding at Kai. "How are you feeling?"

I answer him and he checks all of my vitals before telling me that I went into shock and likely had little memory of the night before, which was true. He explained that the bite mark on my neck had bled heavily and I'd needed a transfusion, but with AB-negative blood, that had put us in a bit of a bind.

Kai volunteered and gave me some of his blood, a surprising match considering the fact that no one else in the surrounding area had our blood type—well, no one who was eligible to donate it that is. However, just as quickly as Kai's blood entered my body, I lost more of my own. This caused the whole IV situation that seems highly unethical, but Kai didn't seem to mind, and according to the doctor, hadn't fainted due to the fact that he kept eating and drinking fluids.

I begin to doubt any of this is real, but nod as the doctor continues explaining things as a nurse comes in and removes the intravenous lines from both of our arms, as well as my catheter. The second the door clicks shut behind him, I turn to Kai.

"Bullshit. Are you harvesting my organs?" My heart is thundering in my chest as the question comes out. I don't want it to be true, but it seems plausible.

Kai laughs, "No."

I narrow my eyes at him. "No? No? Then why does none of this seem like actual medical science? I had a foster sister who is doing a residency to become a heart surgeon and none of this seems real?!"

Kai shrugs, offering me a cookie that I glare at, slight fear prickling my scalp as I wonder if it has been poisoned or drugged. I smack it out of his hand and he frowns, watching it fly passed the foot of my bed. "It doesn't have to make sense, it just has to work." He scooches his chair closer and grabs my hand.

I pull away, looking at him dubiously. "No. It actually does have to make sense because if it doesn't you end up convincing a bunch of white moms that bringing back polio is worse than unlikely autism!"

Kai rolls his lips into his mouth, unsuccessfully stifling a laugh causing his chest to shake with the effort. "I love how you are able to wake up from what is medically considered a coma, and still complain about anti-vaxxers."

When I growl at him, finding no humor in the situation, the nervous boy from before we made our relationship official makes his return. He points to a small vase on the table on my other side. "Should I have brought you more flowers?"

They're pink poppies, but they're dying. Probably from the cold temperature in the hospital. In the back of my mind, I allow myself to be happy that he remembered my favorite flower. But, I look at them skeptically as I have everything else. They could be poisoned.

I'm about to tell him to get my parents in here when I start thinking. Perhaps this could be why they adopted me at the age they did. If one of them needed an organ... oh god. Leo locked down the school on purpose, they've been planning this for a while and the lockdown was just he final straw in their operation. There was no one on campus, there was never anyone on campus.

I can feel myself starting to hyperventilate and begin breathing deeply. I look toward the window, it opens, and we don't seem to be off of the ground, likely on the first floor.

"Kai. The water's not helping can you please get me some tea... and find my parents? And maybe some oatmeal cookies instead of chocolate chip?" I peek up at him through my bangs, hoping I look more innocent than twitchy.

He smiles at me, his expression calm and at ease. Like most psychopaths would be in this situation, I find myself thinking... "Of course, Becks."

When the door clicks behind him, I bolt up out of the bed. I search the room, finding the little baggie with my dress inside of it and slip it on. 

The halter strings rest high enough on my neck that it causes me no discomfort, but poking at the bandage on my shoulder, I find that it is very much still sore.

Once I'm dressed, thankful for the pair of panties in there as well, I notice that my phone rests beside the flowers, with the power cord plugged in.

I grab it, thankful for the rubber wallet that sticks to the back of it and take out all of my cash and one of my credit cards.

I can cash out at an ATM and then head to an airport. Hopefully, I can become a citizen in Europe with the rest of my old foster family before I'm scrapped for parts.


Lol. Late again ik... maybe just estimate that these chapters will be up the day after I suggest. 

ALSO: I do not currently have internet at my home, so everything after chapter 13 will likely not be uploaded until October, so once we hit Chapter 12, you guys will have a double update!

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