A change of heart on Vault-tec's part

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Everything was dreamless, colourless, timeless and cold for the thousands across the country who subsided asleep, deep underneath the ground. 

Some of these 'Vault dwellers' had woke up, forming small chaotic groups on the surface, always driven by fear. Some however, stayed bellow and made less chaotic, but all the same fearful lives of the stuff left behind. So all in all, everyone had it shitty. The difference between people was how long you lasted for and how much you adapted.

A select Three thousand or so of course, never woke up and never will.

Given all the time In the world, those happy campers where open to anyone or anything finding them and if any of the 'tomb raiders' really did fancy it,  could welcome themselves to kill, eat and pillage the unlucky few's tickets to any sort of bright future.

And miraculously, even fewer where yet to wake up.


Three lucky people still left in the commonwealth, untouched and unspoiled... -ish.


I coughed and spluttered as hot stuffy air seeped into my lungs.

I was waking up, clearly. But why'd It feel so bad? It's like I've been asleep for 300 years... Jesus

I probably slept on the garage floor again.

"Turn the heat down Asshat, the air feels like hot tar." I murmured, annoyed at my co-worker once again.

"No Y/n, your here, In the vault."

 An awful cold crawled off my skin like bugs and I flung my eyes open at the words, there in front of me, a blurry figure stood, I was beyond confused. The air felt stale and un-lived in and the brunettes clothes where covered in black splotches. 

"Nate?" I whispered, The man looked a wreck. Red eyed and stiff "You're okay" He sighed looking at me with slight relief. I was beyond confused and noticing the way he was breathing heavily, I shuffled stiffly out of the chamber grabbing his shoulders.

"Nate?" I said begging for answers.

"They took him, killed her..." He muttered running a shaky hand over his face and through his damp hair. 

It was deathly silent, Everywhere was dusted with rust and dullness, this was not how it should be... shouldn't it be loud and congratulating? The absence of Vault-tecs minions crawling everywhere was, surprisingly enough, scaring me. 

 "N-nate? Who took Who? Who killed wh-" My breath caught as I took notice of how the others pods looked... People I'd seen what seemed just seconds ago where slumped forward in their pods with brown splattered through holes in the glass screens. "Nora... " I breathed out in realization. If Nora's gone then that could only mean that they took Shaun.

"The people who killed them- They took Shawn... Didn't they?" I said carefully, watching the way Nate reacted. It was true. "Oh god... wait-" Why had they killed everyone but shaun... And if everyone was dead that meant... Henley was too. I immediately looked towards the chamber besides the one I'd been put in and sighed in relief "Henley!" I shouted somewhat croakily "He-" 

"You have to be quiet Y/n, We don't know if anyone else is here." Nate said steadily from behind me keeping a firm grip around my arm. "Help me get him outta there Nate" I said messing around with a load of stupid buttons that I had no clue on how to use.

"How-"I started huffing with creased brows as I flicked and un-flicked switches with no success.

"Y/n, ease up" Nate said softly and I sighed, taking a step back as I watched Nate take over. Almost immediately there was a change and Henley's chamber door began to shift open.

"Please be alive asshole." I pleaded. He may be a dumb shmuck but he's still a friend.

I subconsciously grabbed onto Nate's hand who gave mine a squeeze in response. We'd all lost so much. Nate I think, he's lost everything.

Fog came from the now open door and as it faded Into the air it uncovered an unchanged James Henley.As he lay silent I held my breath but sighed in relief when the shmuck's mouth twitched Into a brief smirk, the colour was returning to his cheeks.

All of a sudden he was a mess, his arms flailed around and he gasped for air greedily.

He paused, yet to open his eyes but when he did, his grey ones immediately went to me and he hurtled towards me with the speed of a Horse "Y/n, Y/n, Y/n. Your alive. You didn't die" He whispered shakily. I tensed as he held onto me tightly, like I was going to disappear.

 "Hey It's ok. Shmuckface I'm still here, look." I said confusedly as I patted his black locks, he looked up at me dazedly with bleary eyes, never once have I ever seen Henley look so vulnerable. I offered a small smile at the boy who just stared back.

"So you saw them too." Nate said from somewhere behind me, Henley seemed to snap out of it as he saw Nate for the first time, he straitened up and gave a stiff nod "They took your kid. I'm so sorry." He said quietly before continuing "I- wish I could've stopped it, done something. But I- I couldn't move" He growled as his pained eyes drifted back to me then quickly snapped back to the splotches on Nate's body suit.

Sensing the new found interest in his attire Nate coughed and spoke up again "Oh... I forgot to say... Listen, there's roaches. Lot's of them." I glanced at the man disbelievingly, finding it hard to believe that this guy was bothered by some roaches in such dark times, at worst they where just gonna fly in your face. I raised my eyebrows for him to elaborate further and he looked down at the mucky crow bar in his hand looking thoroughly displeased "Not normal roaches, I'm talking about slimy leg length, biting roaches."

"Oh hell" I sighed remembering what I had said to my Ma before she- before.

"Ha, yea and roaches ll' get as big as my leg, no Ma that's not happening"

"Oh come on Y/n! Give the guy's here a chance... Please? look- James looks lonely why don't ya dance with him, He's real handsome! I-","Not a chance! remember what I said about roaches?"

 "I had to go and jinx it." I muttered grudgingly, Henley nodded with a small tired smirk.

 "Yeah this is on you" My crumpled eyebrows raised just a little "You heard that?" I said in a sharp tone, the ravenette nodded with a slight snort and I blew a strand of my still curled hair from my face.

Sadly I really don't think Nate was joking. Why would he lie, after all we really don't have much reason to joke around when everyone else around us is dead. Still, doesn't mean Henley dropped his. He looked down with a small smile, but he dropped it quickly and set his jaw stiffly.

Realizing Nate probably felt a bit out of the loop and that he was still morning his wife plus the fact that his son was still missing, I set all thoughts to the side and asked the dreaded question.

 "So whats next?"

200 years later and I'm still stuck with you (Fallout x reader x characters)Where stories live. Discover now