Sweet dreams

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Your POV

I held on tightly to Henley as the wind nearly blew the two of us away. It was hot sure, but not as hot as what the others on the surface where getting... Not as hot as my mother was getting- Maybe she could've survived? I brushed the thought off, blearily focusing on what I was doing now.

I had to focus, for ma.

In the haze of it all I hadn't realised that the platform we where standing on was now sitting In a large mechanical room. Me n' the the other survivors where In the entrance of the vault.

The same bloody vault Ma never stopped talking about.

The same bloody Vault that would probably our tomb at the rate those explosions above are going at.

Sighing, I looked around whilst pulling out of Henley's shaky embrace, keeping a steady grip on his arm, I had to admit that I needed him and despite all our differences, as of now us two where in this alone. I knew no-one glancing around, but I paused and did a once over as I heard the cry of a baby, ordinarily I'd have found It real annoying but here and now.

The noise was like a damn magnetic pull and It had me running to the noise without a second thought. Still running,  only wanting to give comfort, comfort that no-one could really give me I got closer but as I reached the noise, I found myself stumped on what to say.

 What do you say to mourning parents and the sniffling baby?

 I feel stupid now, I sighed and made a start to return to a close by Henley, but I was stopped as a hand lightly tapped my shoulder.

"Y- Y/n?" I recognised the speaker immediately.  

"H-Hi  Nate" I said shakily, my voice came out in rasp which made me cringe thoroughly. I wasn't in good form all things considered. 

The tall brunette had one arm  wrapped around a weary looking woman's shoulders, she was yet to look up from the small baby in her arms but I still noticed the small tear drops that fell onto the baby's soft blankets. 

"Oh I- Y/n I'm glad you made it..." He breathed out. It was somewhat awkward, what do you say in situations like this?

"Yea, Likewise, Likewise... uh This little guy yours?" I said with a small and weak smile as I diverted my attention to the Mother and Baby.

"Yeah, that little fella there is Shaun and this is Nora, my wife." I nodded and took a step closer to the two.

"Hello Nora n-nice to meet you... I work-  I worked at Old blue's Garage, Helped your husband with a new Tire once or twice."  I greeted sadly and she gave a small nod with an equally shaky smile as I was trying to pull off "Nice to meet you too... I really do wish it was under better... ha, circumstances" She said clearly trying not to bawl over at the horror of it all.

the silence was Interrupted as a hiccup sounded from the bundle of blankets making my tense shoulders droop just a little and my smile become just a little less forced.

"Yeah... and It's nice to meet you too Shaun, you're quite adorable." I honestly didn't know where all this 'motherly' affection was coming from.

Huh maybe Ma's messing with me from up there. 

It wasn't a bitter thought, in fact it made me snort a little as I played with Shaun's small hand seeing his innocent little eyes made the weight of what just happened and what is to come just a little more bearable I guess.


No-ones POV

 Henley certainly hadn't seen this 'loving side' to you before and he had always pegged you as a'cold gator' as he once put it.

He was stood behind you, his jaw tensing as a small tear rolled down his smudged cheek. Now that he thought about it, you would've been a great mother, you weren't an asshat that was clear enough to him now, but he ignored the mushy confession. Shaking his mop of black hair at the absurdity of it all.

Just this morning he'd thrown a spanner to wake you up.

Stealing his eyes away from you and the baby over to the smiling men in those awful blue and yellow spandex, he frowned.

"Y/n? I-I think they want us to go over there, to get in the clad... and... ya know"


Back to your POV

 "Well... Sweet dreams, I guess." I said meekly before giving the family one final nod and a quick half smile.

Looking over to the oddly soft eyed Henley, I absentmindedly grabbed his hand and gave it a comforting squeeze as the two of us made our way over to the other survivors.


"There you go!" I couldn't find it in myself to smile back at the man who handed me my 'spiffy' new vault clothes and just continued to walk to a booth where I slipped the outfit on easily.

It couldn't be long now, not long until me and everyone else would be launched Into a deep sleep that we might possibly not wake up from... No matter how many times the vault-tec informatives had assured that we would not come to any of those 'inconveniences' during our 'enjoyable' Cyro-sleep, I couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was sure to happen.

"Okay folks, step Into your chambers now." 

I gave one last glance to Henley, who gave a mocking salute and despite all the clear pain and tears in his eyes, he gave one last wink and mouthed a sad "See you tomorrow, Asshat"

"Night night" You mouthed back quickly looking away, not wanting him to see the tears falling from your e/c eyes.

Just as the doors began to lower I caught eyes with Nate who gave a soft nod and shouted something to Nora. 

I panicked, praying to anyone out there that these people would be alright and that Ma had a good seat up there with Pa.


""2-To all those people out there that pressed the damn button FUC-" Henley's loud shout was cut off as the final call was made.


With that the air Ignited with Ice and uncertainty.

200 years later and I'm still stuck with you (Fallout x reader x characters)Where stories live. Discover now