Well ain't that a kick in the head!

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"Lord help me! girl, where have you been!" Ms L/n Hissed in the flustered girls ear, dragging her towards the large house 'my impending doom' she thought dejectedly.

 "I've had to make excuses for you one to many times. Now- Oh! Hello James darlin!" Y/n rolled her eyes as her mother went from a 180 to 0 and made a fuss and exclaimed how Jimmy boy 'keeps on growing'.

 Of course he does  Y/n thought bitterly.

 Although, she was secretly thankful for the distraction he had provided. And found that the more her work partner made excuses to leave the closer he was lured to the mansion. This amused her thoroughly, so much so that the funny observation had temporarily made her forget that she too was getting closer and closer to the 'extravaganza party'. 

Catching the change in her daughters attitude Ms L/n waved a red nailed finger up in the air, huffing.

"Don't think you're off the hook young lady!" The older L/n snapped, but after a few seconds of frowning at Y/n, M/n L/n sighed and broke eye contact, ending the silent argument that had gone on between the two females. 

James had started backing away In what he saw as his perfect opportunity but found his wrist being tugged In Y/n's grip, her eyes held a pleading look he had never seen before.

Raising an eyebrow at her strange antics he paused and she soon let go 

Whispering a simple "Don't leave me to die" It was somewhat joking... but despite the donut and milkshake that waited for him at the diner, something told him to stay something told him to protect her. So, shaking his head Henley stayed put.

She may be a class A little shit sometimes but I'm not gonna leave her alone with these goons.

Unaware of her daughters small plea for help whilst re-applying her 'sunset rouge' Lipstick, Ms L/n gave young Y/n one last warning look placing a gloved hand on the large door.

As she pushed the door slightly Ms L/n smiled fondly as she heard Dean Martin's Voice echoing out from Inside the Mansion.

"Y/n deary,for now all I ask is that you smile and try not to slouch!" The willowy woman ordered, enforcing her words with a hard smack on Y/n's back. 

Henley snorted but was soon distracted by the flotilla of blue and yellow balloons surrounding him. He scowled "Vault-tec." He said with a growl. "they got fuckin' balloons now? As If we didn't need any more reminders of 'Nuclear holocaust!'" He muttered under his breath, Y/n heard and nodded bitterly. Ms L/n However, didn't hear and soon went off about how they really where doing 'a great service' to the country and how thankful she was to have those trusty pre-approved vault-tec papers In her purse. 

The two Young adults soon tuned out, sending eachother dark looks. They didn't agree on much but they both agreed that Vault-tec was bad news.

"Aha So this is your lovely daughter Ms L/n!"  A middle aged man approached Y/n with an outstretched hand which she took somewhat hesitantly, his eyes where tired and shifting allover the place, he was nervous. But why? Its seemed suspicious, that much Y/n could tell, but she made no move to openly question It, not unless of course she wanted a year long headache from her mother.

She didn't.

"Hello! Yes, this is my dear Y/n. Honey this is the nice man right here gave us our Vault-tec papers!"

"Aha I see, well thank you sir! My, I really do wonder where we'd be without Vault-tec!" Y/n chirped Sweetly making Ms L/n nod approvingly. Despite Y/n not giving a damn, her Charisma skills where rather good when needed... Her mother always said it was a fine shame she wasn't more... 'social'.

200 years later and I'm still stuck with you (Fallout x reader x characters)Where stories live. Discover now