Chapter 23

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The room went silent at my brother's statement, his senile grin said it all. I shuddered, a cold withering sensation ran through my body.

Betrayal felt like ice water, and it wasn't something I enjoyed.

"W-Why?" Triton's voice cracked, his eyes held so much sadness. I knew he considered blood more important then anything else, I mean hell know's he wouldn't have accepted me if he didn't.

"Why little brother? Are you stupid? Power you idiot! I intend to- Ah!" Something from behind the mighty throne pierced through him like a sword. But it was something sharper, more dangerous.

A weapon fit for a giant, A Titan.

"Demi-God's are sadly Gullible I say..." Her giggling voice rung out.

Chung Ha stepped out from behind the seat, my dead brother slumped down and turned to water. Triton gritted his teeth, his breathing was shaky and unstable. I looked to him, my heart aching.

"Aura... You shouldn't have killed him, that's just too harsh." Namjoon's venomous voice came from behind me, I spun around, shaking slightly.

"Chaos... It's nice to see you again." Her smile made me feel sick to my stomach, I took in a shallow breath. My eyes widened when Namjoon's smile got wider, I stepped back slightly in fear.

"Ah, Y/N you look so scared of me." He stepped towards me, my vision zoned in on all but him, my nails were digging into my palms.

"You don't know how long I've been wanting to see you like this. Pathetically in fear of me." He leaned in and whispered in my ear. I squeezed my eyes shut, focusing on my breathing.

I wasn't afraid of this man. Because this was Kim Namjoon, my best friend and forever companion...


My jaw clenched at the sight of him, his whole aura was shrouded in an almost demonic way. His hands were glowing like the fire he could produce.

"Get the hell away from her Namjoon, let's not be irrational here." Jungkook's voice boomed through the room,my eyes shot open, he was perched on a pillar, one of many holding up the room.

His eyes were glowing like liquid gold as a slight smirk of excitement adorned on his face.

"Aries..." Namjoon growled out, looking up to the war god with clenched fists.

"Hey buddy." He waved childishly, raising his eyebrow mockingly. The way he presented himself screamed wanting to pick a fight. He looked down apon the Titans, as if they were puny little ants. I have never seen this Jungkook before.

But it can't be helped, his is the god of war after all.

"Grab the girl Chaos, I'll take care of them." Aura snapped, the weapon appeared again in it's mighty and chaotic grace.

I reacted quickly and sprinted away, my blood boiling as it pulsed through my veins.

"You won't take advantage of me again little demi god." Chaos's voice flushed against my neck, I sucked in a breath.

"Hong Su!" I screamed, I reached out as I felt hands grip my hips. But before Chaos could advance my earring felt as though it was on fire.

I was ripped away, but not by my familiar.

"Princess..." I looked up in shock, Jaehyun stood with a look that could possibly kill anyone if he tried hard enough, his hair fell forward producing a more menacing look then before. I was shoved behind him, his stance defensive. I felt my body press up against the fur I was so comfortable with.

A low protective rumble ripple through Hong Su's chest.

"Namjoon, it's disappointing to see you get so low." Jaehyun mocked, his whip swaying slowly in wait to be used.

"You won't die if you give me her." Chaos said bluntly, his face contorting into a sneer. His eyes darkening with every glance at me,

'Master, Your royal guard and I will handle this stupid boy. Go to your father.' A deep and mellow voice rang through my ears, my brows furrow in confusion.

'HongSu... You can talk?' Why didn't he talk before I wonder?

'I can but you need to go. We will talk more later.' His tail wrapped around my waist and swiftly lifted me away from the scene.

"No! I will not let you get away!" He yelled, the sound of sizzling was heard from behind me as I was placed at the foot of the next flight of stairs.

"Y/N! Don't you dare go-" I looked at him, biting my lip trying to hold in my emotions. He was cut off as Jaehyun and him connected in battle.

He roared in anger as he tried to get to me, Jaehyun and Hong Su working as a team to prevent him from coming any closer.

The sound of the connection of water and fire made my breathing pick up as I moved my body faster and faster.

Eventually I found myself at his room, my once deep breaths were stuck in my throat. I pushed open the heavy doors. The silence rang into my ears.

It was almost a split second as the thing that had been once presumed the soul of my proud father ran at me on all fours, it's skin a sickly blue and it's eyes were hollow. It's body was distorted, almost as if it's broken bones had never healed properly.

It wasn't before I felt it vanish into my chest did I see my father, an all mighty god, lay on his death bed, while my shrieks echoed throughout the battling palace I looked to see his hand extended towards me as if to warn me...

Warn me of what the Titan's were really planning.

But it was too late... The thing that killed him, was now inside of me.

And I didn't know if I'd make it out alive or not...


A pang in my chest was all I felt until I completely lost it. I produced a black magic that shrouded my enemies gazes.

I knew it was her, I knew it was Y/N.

And I knew that something was crawling inside of her, tearing her mental state apart until it ate her alive. The whole kingdom already knew that they had lost two of the royal family, it was chaos. I shoved merfolk out of the way in my haste to get to her.

Because her soul was back to the color I dreaded most for her, something I didn't want to come for her until she was wrinkled with age. Something I should have protected her from.

She was dying, from the inside out.

I dodged my way through that royal guard, Y/N's familiar and Chaos. And that's when I smelt it.

Her father's blood. I picked up my pace, not stopping at the door as I ripped it's hinges off and threw them out of my way.

"Y/N!" I searched frantically for her, only to find her wide eyed slumped onto the ground. Her finger tips going blue and the veins under eyes protruding as if she were dead...

But that was the thing...

She wasn't, not yet...


Update it's an update omg.

So basically Poseidons dead. (WOW REALLY?) the thing that killed him is his power, but, with the help of the moon titan's venom it manifested into something that would kill anything that couldn't handle it's strength.

I missed you guys, I love your comments I either wheeze, laugh my ass off or just find them cute :)

(Tehe reminder no gods are related sweetie we ain't dating your uncles or your cousins, Y/N doesn't live that life)

-T <3

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