Every End Has A New Beginning

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Foxy POV

I am looking at the Rose at my Hand until I saw the TV. Penny is shread to pieces, she's not human like us. Then I hear alarms outside. I open the door and saw Grimms running around.


Random Citizen:Help!

I saw someone about to be eaten by a Grimm. I grabbed the Stop Sign beside me and smacked the Grimm. The Citizen said thank you and left.

Foxy:That's what you get!

The Grimm looked more agressive and slowly walking to me. I held my weapon tightly. I wasn't ready for this, I smacked it again. I pointed the opposite direction and stabbed it.

It turns to dust. I saw Freddy and Chica running towards here with 3-2 Grimms.

Foxy:Quick! Behind me.

I killed all of the Grimms. I am slightly damage we got inside and baracade it. Suddenly Bonnie teleported here carrying Penny? He's crying.

Bonnie:H-Help Her...... Please.

We all looked at each other and we went to the basement where all of the tools are hidden. We spent hours of fixing her. She won't wake up, Bonnie is crying.

Bonnie:Penny! Don't leave me please.

I rolled my eyes. I turned her off and on. She woke up.

Penny:System Initializing, Rebooting System. Salutations! My name is Penny, it's a Pleasure to meet you.


Foxy:Drama Queen.


We all gathered in the lobby. Were all leaving each other. Were leaving this place. We can't stay here. We went outside and saw no Grimm. I sang.

(A/n:Kinda addicted to this. From assassin's creed iv. The song is about a captain leaving the ship with his crew. The her is the Ship, and here the restaurant. )

Foxy:I guess it's time to leave the 'ld restaurant. It's time to leave her and make new memories.

Freddy/Chica:Goodbye Y/n,Bonnie and Penny.

Bonnie:Bye Guys. We'll miss you.

Penny:Farewell Friends.

Foxy:May our paths cross again. Here's all the Lien.

Freddy:You sure Foxy? You don't need Lien?

Foxy:I'm going to be a Pirate. I'll start from scraps. Journey to the top, plundering riches in Remnant.

Freddy:Suit yourself.

We all left Vale and Journey away. I don't know where to go yet. I just walked and let fate decide where I should go.

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