Black Beard

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(A/n:Mostly about Assassin's Creed IV. I won't add a lot of parts in here. I'll make this short.)

Foxy POV

I've been tied up for Hours. It's night time already. Black Beard went to me with a knife, he nearly stabbed me, I didn't flinch.

Black Beard:You sure have balls for stealing. The fun part is you tried to steal from me HAHAHA! Now tell me, why did you want to steal form me?

He pulled out his gun and aimed it at me.

Foxy:I just want to be a Pirate.

Black Beard:You? A pirate? Hahaha! You can't even steal right.

Foxy:Teach me Please!

Black Beard:I don't have time for your lazy ass.

Someone in a White Hoodie jumped here and Greeted Black Beard.

Black Beard:Edward Kenway, Do you have it?

Edward:Yeah it's in your Pocket.

He checked his and found a paper with some written words in it. He laughs.

Black Beard:Always a Surprise Kenway.

Edward:Hey, You're the guy from the market. Thank you for your help back there. Why is he tied up there Thatch?

Thatch:This kid tried to steal from me. Doesn't even know the basics. Hmmm.... Can you teach this kid?

Edward:W-What? Why would I teach him? No offence.

Thatch:I see a potential in this kid. He sure have balls, he ain't got the skills. Teach him and I'll reward you beautifully.

They looked at me trying to escape.

Thatch:Doesn't even know how to escape. Are sure you want to be a Pirate?


Edward:Good. Listen Number 1 try to get out of there.


He pulled out his gun and shot the rope, I fall down.

Edward:Kidding. We got a lot of work to do.

Foxy:Okay, what now?

Edward:Tomorrow. Get some rest first. It's night time already.

He yawns. My life of a Pirate begins Tomorrow. I'm excited.

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