Chapter 18

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Sierra's POV: 


Harry's eyes fluttered open, finding me standing next to him.  He let out a groan and turned his head to look at the clock by the bed.  It was barely past 5am.

 "What is it?" he quickly sat up.  "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I zipped up my hoodie. "Do you want to go outside with me?  You don't have to...I just wanted to go sit outside and watch the sunrise."

"To watch the sunrise?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Fall starts in 13 minutes," I smiled.  Harry sighed and rubbed his eyes, letting his heart get back to an even beat.  He stood to his feet and pecked a kiss on my forehead, then moved to pull a t shirt over his grey sweat pants. 

He pulled a sweatshirt over his torso and took my hand, helping me make it outside. In the past week there was a steady decline in my health.  I didn't have much strength, I had lost far too much weight, and my skin was almost ghost white. 

He sat down on the steps and helped me sit between his legs, looping his arms around me from behind.  "I love you.." he whispered before planting a gentle kiss on my temple.

"I love you too," I smiled, then reached to grab his wrist and look at his watch.  "Four minutes!"

"I guess we'll have to get some halloween decorations set up, huh?" he smiled. "What's your costume this year?"

"Harry," I sighed, looking down at my hands.  "We both know that I'm not going to make it to Halloween."

"Hey, don't say that," he replied, reaching down to tangle his fingers with mine. "It's only 43 days away."

I didn't say anything, just laid my head back on his shoulder and smiled as the sun slowly made it's appearance in front of them.  "This feels good..." I sighed.  Harry smiled against my neck and pecked a kiss just under my ear.

"Harry," I broke the silence once more.


"Do you think they have holidays in heaven? Like...Christmas?"

"I suppose," he replied.  "It's Jesus' birthday, I'm sure they would celebrate it."

"I hope so," I sighed. 

"Have you decided what you want for Christmas?"

I shook my head, fighting the tears that stung my eyes.  "Just to make it until then..."

"You will," he nodded. "I promise."


 Harry's POV: 

Later in the afternoon, I stood in the kitchen with Anne, sipping on a cup of coffee.  Sierra's mom and dad were over for their daily visit with their daughter.   The three of them sat on the couch, flipping through an old family photo album, her head rested gently against her dad's shoulder.

"This is killing me," Anne muttered in a whisper to me, as she opened the dishwasher to unload it.

I didn't say anything...just shook my head and swallowed hard, lifting my coffee cup back to my lips.

"I think I need to go lie down," Sierra said softly. 

"Come on, love." Diane stood to her feet and helped her daughter up.  She looped her left arm through Sierra's right and helped her move to the hallway toward the bedroom. 

Sierra smiled at me. "I'm going to go nap for a bit,"

I moved from around the counter and pecked a kiss on her lips.  "Okay, babe."

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