Chapter 15

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Harry's POV: 

I rushed through the hospital corridor and stopped at the nurse’s desk.  “Sierra Wellman,” I said, trying to catch my breath. “Where is she?”

The nurse looked up at me and her eyes widened. “Harry Styles! My daughter adores you!”

“That’s lovely,” I replied quickly. “Please, I need to know where Sierra Wellman is!”

The nurse looked down at her clipboard and flipped through the pages.  “Room 314,”

“Thanks,” I pushed off from the desk and took off at a run. I jumped on the elevator and pressed the button, then pressed it over and over trying to get it to move quicker. Finally, the doors closed and I impatiently tapped my foot until the doors opened to the 3rd floor.

I leapt out of the elevator and found Sierra’s mother and father sitting in a small waiting room just outside the elevator.  Her mother was sitting in the seat by the window, wiping tears from her eyes. Her father was pacing back and forth.

“Harry,” Diane looked up at me. 

“What’s happened?” I spat.  “Where is she?!”

“We’re not sure,” David replied resting his strong hand on my shoulder.  “Emily, her assistant, called us.  She said that Sierra had come out of a business meeting and collapsed, they called 911.  I tried calling you, but your phone went to voice mail.  That’s when I called Paul,”

“I’ve been in the studio all morning,” I explained. “I can’t have my phone on.”

“We’re still waiting on the doctor,” Diane stood to her feet and embraced me in a hug.  “They haven’t told us anything,”

“Come on,” David gently nudged me to sit down between him and Diane when he noticed me shaking.  “Let’s have a seat and wait for the doctor,”


After over an hour of waiting, I stood back to my feet and began to pace back and forth. I pulled the green beanie off my head and shoved my fingers through my curls, then turned when I heard the swinging doors open behind me.

“Dr. Dawson,” Diane jumped to her feet and held her hands to her mouth. 

“How is she?” David asked.

“Is she okay?” I added. “What’s happened?”

Dr. Dawson shook his head with a troubled look on his face.  “Let’s go somewhere more private,” he replied. “Follow me,”

Me and Sierra’s parents turned to follow the doctor down the hallway where we stepped into a small office room.

“What is it?” David asked.

“Oh god,” Diane cried out.  “It’s bad, isn’t it!  I can tell by the look on your face that it’s bad!”

Dr. Dawson made a face.  “I don’t know what to say,” he shook his head.

“Just spit it out,” I sighed as I noticed a tear fall down the doctor’s cheek.

“The cancer is back,” he replied.

David let out a groan and reached up to pinch the bridge of his nose.  “What do we do now?  More chemo? Radiation?”

Dr. Dawson shook his head sadly.  “We do nothing,”

“Nothing!?” I looked at him, widening my eyes.

“Look,” the doctor took a deep breath and let it out.  “There are no words to describe how sorry I am to have to tell you this, but the cancer has come back and it’s worse than before.  It’s completely taken over the walls of her chest and it’s infested her lymph nodes.  There’s nothing that we can do.”

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