Chapter 3

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Harry's POV:

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped my towel around my waist.  I quickly moved down the hallway to my room, where I pulled on a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt. I grabbed my phone off the dresser and found a text message from Liam.

Hey Harry, I really do hope everything is okay with you.  Please call Jake or Todd by tomorrow, they're pissed.  They said if they don't hear from you they're gonna call Simon and let him know that you went awol.   You're kinda freaking us out.  Get back to one of us atleast.

I ran my fingers through my damp curls and made my way to the kitchen. I found Sierra standing at the stove-top, stirring something in a pan.   "You hungry? Mac and cheese!"

"Am I ever hungry when it's something that you've cooked?" I said with a chuckle. 

Sierra turned around to find the teasing smile on my face.  "Suit yourself.  I'm starving, so shutup,"

I grabbed my stack of mail off the table and moved to sit on the barstool at the end of the counter.  I sneakily gazed up from my mail, I watched her as she moved around the small kitchen.  Her long blonde hair was pulled in a messy ponytail, her bangs swept to the right side of her face.  Her skin was milky white, but gently tanned.  Her bare arms were toned, just like the rest of her. As I watched her, my memory quickly drifted off to a couple years before when the two of us had-

 "What are you staring at, Styles?" I was shaken from my thoughts when her deep blue eyes caught  me staring at her.

 "Oh, um, we still need to talk,"

"No we don't," Sierra grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and spooned some of the macaroni and cheese into it.  She leaned against the counter and took a bite.

"You can't avoid it forever," I replied, reading over a piece of paper I had pulled out of one of the envelopes.

"Why are you even here?" she swallowed and looked at me.  "You're supposed to be recording,"

"I'm here because you lied to me,"

"I lied to you?"  she raised an eyebrow. "You've been lying all day, telling me you were in the studio,"

I sighed and popped my neck. I looked up at her and searched her eyes,  "I'm not here to fight with you,"

"Then stop trying to start an argument,"

"Damnit, Sierra," I groaned.

"Tell me why you're really here," she took another bite of her food. 

"Because your mom and dad begged me to come, that's why," I replied, standing up.  I moved to the refrigerator and poured myself a glass of orange juice.

Sierra laughed. "Of course they did!"

"So, are you gonna talk to me about it or continue to lie?" I asked, taking a drink from my glass.

"There's nothing to talk-"

"Because honestly," I laid the glass down on the counter.  "I'd hate to think that my very best friend in the world would stand right infront of me and lie to me,"

Sierra groaned and put her bowl in the sink.  "I didn't lie,"

"You told me you had a cold," I replied, the tone of my voice changing. "It's not a cold,"

She recognized the change in my voice, I was becoming angry.  My voice developed a deep raspiness when I was upset.  She knew it all too well.  She looked at her feet and sighed in defeat. 

"Tell me," I pushed.  "You need to be honest with me,"

"Fine," she threw her hands up.  "I have cancer.  There, I said it, are you happy?"

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