His Butler, Offering

Start from the beginning

You couldn't help but wonder if Ash had played a part in kidnapping the reapers or if the magic-user had work alone on that matter.

"Right." Ash seemed to realized what he was there for and he turned to Ciel to explain to him what the report from the Queen was about. "Outside of Preston, there is a catholic village that had previously been burn down and was no longer in use. Lately, a cult had been practicing there and we have word that the leader is in possession of a doomsday book."

"You mean the books about livestock?" Ciel asked in confusion. "But what could he do with those?"

Ash fully turned to face Ciel, a serious expression laced on his face, but you could tell that it was a facade. "Their doomsday books are quite different. These are the records acquired when you stand before the lord on doomsday. The day of judgement. All of your sins and goods are said to be written in the it."

Ciel sighed murmuring something underneath his breath, but from where you were pressed against the wall you couldn't hear him.

"There are sayings that the cult is trying to rebel against the government," Ash continued. "Her majesty worries about the people there as they're beginning to fear the activities of the cult."

"So what are you asking me to do?" Ciel darkly asked. "Are you asking me to disband them or completely eliminate them?"

A dark, sadistic look crossed onto Ash's face and you took a step closer to Ciel as Ash's gaze narrowed on him. "That decision is yours to make."

"Alright understood," Ciel stated and it was suddenly then that a shadow crossed the room making you all glance up to where Pluto was banging on the window happily at Ash. Something made Pluto jump from where he was gazing at Ash and he sadly crawled away from the window.

'If that doesn't give anything away then I don't know what.'

"Who was that?" Ash slowly asked Ciel, although you knew that he was just acting.

"Oh he's nothing but a servant," Sebastian answered.

Ash turned to glance outside the window where Pluto had left from. "Well he seems like a very interesting servant," he slyly stated and you noticed that Sebastian had narrowed his gaze at him.

"And who does this happen to be?" Ash asked as his gaze slid back over to where you were standing close to Ciel. "I remember seeing her during the curry exhibition, but I don't think we've ever officially met."

You were quiet as you glowered at Ash and it wasn't until Ciel had nudged you in the side that you began to speak. "(Y/N), I'm a servant of Ciel."

"Ciel," Ash repeated, amused at the fact that you called Ciel by his given name.

"Well then I must make my leave. It was nice seeing you," Ash stated as he gave Ciel a small bow. "The Queen wishes you the best of luck on this case."

"Thanks, please give her majesty my regards," Ciel stated. "I shall do the utmost to resolve this ordeal. Tanaka will show you the way out."

Tanaka hopped his way off of the seat that he was sitting on, gesturing Ash to follow after him as he continued to sip on his tea. Ash bowed to Ciel once more before following after Tanaka toward the door. You moved out of the way as he passed and tensed as he glanced at you with a smirk before he exited the room.

"Well what next?" Ciel asked as you placed down a dessert you had made in front of him. Once done with that, you collapsed into the chair that was sitting in front of his desk.

After Ash had left the manor, the three of you had headed to Ciel's study room to discuss the case that Ash had brought. By now you knew that you were in the next episode of Black Butler, which was surprising as you hadn't expected it to have taken so long to get here.

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